Page 34 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 34
98. After collection of school census data, BANBEIS officials and staff conducted
a PEC (Post Enumeration Check) sample survey to validate and adjust the data
collected during the census period.
99. While implementing the project of EMIS funded by UNDP, the EMIS system
and GIS school mapping system for post-primary education were developed in
BANBEIS by conducting a country-wide census through recruiting 2500 enumerators for
direct data collection from the institutions. However, when the project ended, the
Ministry was unable to shoulder the costs of the EMIS activities. As a result, the data
collection activities were delayed which resulted in a delay in the production of the
yearbook. In the absence of adequate financing provided in the national budget, the
collection of statistical information by BANBEIS is still dependent on external
developmental partners or projects. For this reason, this organization does not collect
school census data every year. But the databases developed in BANBEIS are being
updated through sample surveys, using the increase/decrease factor to synthesise data
and include new institutions in the database. As there is no regular budget for
conducting an annual school census and due to the unavailability of funds for 2004,
BANBEIS was not able to conduct the annual census data for the year 2004. However
in the year 2005, BANBEIS will conduct a school census, thanks to the funding and
support from SESIP Project.
100. The data processing is carried out by the EMIS unit of BANBEIS at the central
level. Data validation and consistency checks are carried out by the officials and staff of
Statistics Division of BANBEIS before processing the questionnaires by the EMIS unit.
Normally it takes two to three months to process the data into the system. During the
data processing period, the unit hires additional data entry persons to expedite the
process. Thereafter, the annual yearbook is produced.
101. Apart from the annual school census data, BANBEIS also collects data from
different boards and regional offices under MOE. The purpose is to assess the
recognition and examination results of the private institutions and to examine eligibility
for salary subvention of teachers by the MOE for every fiscal year. In addition,
BANBEIS maintains several other databases, e.g. Ebtedayee Madrasah database,
foreign scholarship database to support the scholarship section of MOE, database for
Bangladesh Civil Service (Education Cadre) officers, etc..
102. The concerned departments, and local administrative and education offices
gather the data from schools as the need arises for different planning purposes and
decision-making process. Like BANBEIS, other departments such as secondary
education directorate and technical education directorate also collect data from their
concerned institutions and various local education authorities as and when required.
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