Page 29 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 29

seems that this I.T. configuration was deployed without an electronic data processing
               master plan or even a functional needs assessment.

               75.        There are at least one or two computers at divisional and district offices under
               MOPME. However, these computers are mainly used for updating the district offices’
               EMIS school census database, as well as for office operations such as preparation of
               letters, reports, etc. A separate computer room exists in the some district offices but no
               computer network facilities exist in the divisional or district offices. It seems that the
               utilisation of I.T. facilities for  the EMIS activities at these  local levels is very limited.
               Under MOPME, all of the 64 district offices have the computerised EMIS but the system
               is not yet fully functioning especially for the utilisation of district EMIS database.

               76.        Currently, there are no computer facilities in the 9 regional and 64 district
               offices under MOE. There is a plan to equip all districts and regional offices with
               computers and to decentralise the EMIS activities under SESIP funded by GOB and
               ADB, and “Support to ICT” project funded by GOB. Under the Support to ICT project, all
               districts will have one computer, one laser printer, one UPS and Internet facilities. The
               selection of firm is under  process and it will be implemented in due course. The
               following table describes the summary information of the existing IT facilities in the
               EMIS unit of each ministry:

                               Existing I.T. facilities in the EMIS unit of each ministry

                                                                       EMIS unit of:
                                                             BANBEIS               MIS-DPE
                            Local Network System installed      Yes                  Yes
                            Access to Internet               Broadband      Dial-up. DPE is planning
                                                                            to set up broadband
                                                                            access under PEDP II.
                            No. of servers                       3                    1
                            No. of computers
                             More than 3 years old               4                   15
                             Less than 3 years old              30                    5
                            No. of printers
                             Dot matrix                          -                    2
                             Laser                      12 (2 are colour laser)   6 (1 is colour laser)
                             Colour                              1                    -
                            Scanners                             1                    1
                            CD writers                           2                    2
                            LCD projector                        2                    1
                            Availability of training room        2                    1
                            Separate computer room              Yes                   1
                            Laptop                               -                    1

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