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4.2.3 Financial resources for statistical services

               77.        In order to analyse the  availability of financial resources and the Ministry’s
               support to its statistical services, information such as the percentage of the Ministry’s
               budget on its statistical units, costs of staff for statistical operations and administration
               of these statistical units are to be identified. However, like other countries in the region,
               this information is not readily and easily available in Bangladesh. It might be due to the
               followings reasons:
                     •  It might be possible that the heads of  statistics units may not have direct
                         access to nor the decision-making role on the use of the budget devoted to
                         their units. This is the most frequent factor contributing to weaken the
                         professional and authoritative status of any statistics unit;

                     •  Due to the bureaucratic procedures, it is also possible that the funds allocated
                         to statistical operations are not disbursed in substantial instalments or are
                         rarely or never disbursed within the fiscal year to allow the statistics units
                         prompt and proficient accomplishment of their work; and/or
                     •  It may happen as well that the required skills to draw up realistic and
                         convincing budgets do not exist within these statistics units. In this situation,
                         there is more often a tendency of just replicating previous budgets, not taking
                         proper account of key parameters such us possible inelasticity of the
                         capabilities of existing manpower or existing facilities for data capture and
                         processing within a given time constraint while the number of schools for which
                         data is to be captured is increasing.

               78.        Regarding the external assistance  to the EMIS development activities,
               MOPME especially DPE has received financial and technical support from the World
               Bank and DfID under the ESTEEM (PEDP I)  project. During the project, the EMIS
               system was developed and now a school census is being carried out annually. Starting
               from the previous year, the GOB and developmental partners continued to support and
               strengthen the EMIS activities of MOPME under the PEDP II programme.

               79.        UNESCO and UNDP assisted the EMIS activities of BANBEIS for the post-
               primary education level, and the project ended in 2001. During the project, the EMIS
               system and GIS school mapping system for post-primary education were developed in
               BANBEIS. However, after the project, the Ministry was unable to incur the costs of the
               EMIS activities. As a result, the data collection activities were delayed and the
               production of yearbook was also subsequently delayed. In the absence of adequate
               financing provided in the national budget, the collection of statistical information by
               BANBEIS is still dependent on external developmental partners or projects.

               80.        At the same time, under the SISEP project, ADB has funded the DSHE to
               develop the EMIS for the secondary education level. Although the project was
               completed this year, the system is still  under pilot stage, and sustainability and
               continuity of it will be very much affected.

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