Page 31 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 31


               81.        Under the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), the Directorate
               of Primary Education (DPE) has a mandate for collecting, processing and disseminating
               primary education statistics and also progress report on EFA indicators. Under this
               directorate, the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit collects the Upazila-wide summary data
               on primary education through the Upazila education officer on a quarterly basis.

               82.        Simultaneously, under the project PEDP-1, the MIS unit of the DPE
               established the regular annual school census to collect data from pre-primary to primary
               levels. The data are collected through the Upazila education officers. At the district
               level, the district EMIS units enter and update the data and send it to the MIS unit at the
               central level by electronic media such as floppy, zip disk or thumb drive. The MIS unit of
               the central level then consolidate it into the national EMIS database to produce the EFA
               and other education indicators.

               83.        The collected data from two streams (one from Monitoring and Evaluation unit
               and one from District EMIS units) are being processed by the MIS unit of DPE. Although
               the EMIS databases are more comprehensive and informative, they are intended for
               internal use only and have never been published for the public. The current annual
               reports are produced and published from  the summarised data gathered by the
               Monitoring and Evaluation unit.

               84.        There is a gap of collecting pre-primary data for kindergarten, pre-cadet and
               English medium schools. They are privately managed and situated mostly in the urban
               areas. These institutions are reluctant to  supply statistical information to government
               departments as they are not under the jurisdiction of MOE or MOPME.

               85.        During the tenure of the EMIS project funded by UNDP, BANBEIS
               established an EMIS database and school mapping system of the post-primary level
               institution. The databases existing in BANBEIS cover secondary schools, colleges and
               Madrasahs. However, due to lack of financial resources, annual  census data are not
               collected regularly.

               86.        Institutions offering professional education are managed by several ministries:
               Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture. BANBEIS collects data directly from the
               professional institutions and processes it manually. The same procedure is adhered to
               in collecting university data. The coverage of census data for technical-vocational,
               professional institutions and universities is weak. In  addition to its own collection,
               BANBEIS compiles data from  the secondary sources, such as technical education
               board for technical-vocational data and UGC for universities data, to supplement its

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