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P. 36
5.2 Analysis on data collection instruments and data entry software
5.2.1 Review of the data collection instruments
Pre-primary and primary education
107. The school census questionnaires for pre-primary and primary education
developed by the MIS unit of DPE collects the much-needed information about number
of teachers by sex, enrolment and repeater by grade and sex, enrolment by age and
sex and information for specific uses, such as assessment of EFA goals and targets
and for policy formulation and development planning required by the government and
developmental agencies. However, the school census questionnaire for primary
education does not cover information on physical facilities, assets, land use and
location, etc. which are also crucial for development planning purposes.
108. Mainly two instruments are used in the annual school census and
Upazila/Thana summary information to collect data from the pre-primary and primary
sub-sector. These are:
• Questionnaire to collect the data on pre-primary (baby class) and primary level
at individual primary level schools/institutions. (school census); and
• One page format of summarised information on primary education of the
respective Upazila which covers basic indicators such as: numbers of schools,
teachers, enrolment at the respective Upazila/Thana.
Post-primary education
109. Separate school census questionnaires for different types of post-primary
education sub-sectors have been developed by BANBEIS. That is, the questionnaires
for secondary schools, colleges, Madrasah, technical-vocational institutions,
professional institutions and universities – each have been developed separately. The
data and information required for secondary schools, colleges and Madrasah are almost
the same but there are some variations in enrolment statistics. The categories of data
collected through the school census is presented as follows:
• Description of institutions which cover name, address, type, level,
management, establishment date, recognition date and recognition expiry date,
subvention date, area and location, land use information;
• Infrastructure and physical facilities information such as description of each
academic structure, classroom, teachers’ room, age of the building, library and
computer facilities information, playground, electricity, drinking water source,
toilet, etc.;
• Enrolment information such as attendance, repeaters by grade and sex and by
subject, and grade for honours and Masters’ colleges;
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