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The National Science Library once started as a project and subsequently merged with BANSDOC as a library division has been functioning as a supplementary library of science and technology materials used by the scientists, teachers, students, research guides in the country. For this purpose the library has a National Book Selection Committee approved by the Government and according to the instructions and guidance given by this Committee, books, journals and other reading materials are collected every year.

It may be mentioned that the BANSDOC Library is an agency to supplement the resources of all libraries by its own selective acquisition and also to act as the referral centre for maximum utilization of the existing materials in the country. Thereby it extends its base of operations as a national library of science and technology.

The acquisition policy of the BANSDOC's Science and ICT library is to acquire all important Science and ICT publications as far as the fund permits which other libraries can not afford or do not collect so that maximization of the fund is ensured and duplication of resource purchase may be avoided. To strengthen its resources base, BANSDOC library has started subscribing of CD and DVD of foreign journals or other electronic form as far as possible.

Procurement of Books and Journals in BANSDOC library (up to 2009):

Books (Foreign & Indigenous ) 20,035
Journals (Indigenous) 147 Titles
Journals (Foreign) 295 Titles
HANARI (Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative), WHO (Online Journals) 4000 Titles (app.)
AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture), FAO (Online Journals) 708 Titles

Library remains open from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. every Sunday through Thursday except Friday, Saturday and Govt. holidays. A dedicated Photostat machine is placed at the disposal of library to facilitate quick dissemination of information to users. The library has been remodeled and renovated keeping in view the national and international requirements. Library information services are further enhanced every year with the addition of new books to its stock and by subscribing to new foreign journals and periodicals. It has now a total stock of about 20,035 books and about 442 titles of Journals on different branches of science and technology. The library services are open to all categories of users. The library provides only readers service.








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