Resources & Services


·        To deliver science and technology related bibliographical references among the scientists/researchers as per their need.

·        To offer scientific contact to the scientists/researchers in the similar field of interest.

 The scientists are interested to know about the research works which has already been done in their fields of interest before starting their research works. This helps them to avoid duplication of research works and saving their costs, energy and time. Bibliographies are also prepared by searching CD and DVD form of databases which are available in this Division. Following international science and technology information based databases on CD and DVD forms are used for this purpose:


µ  Biological Abstracts on:

- Agriculture

- Anatomy

- Aerospace Biology

- Bacteriology

- Behavioral Sciences

- Biochemistry

- Bioengineering

- Biophysics

- Biotechnology

- Botany

- Environmental Sciences

- Cell Biology

- Clinical Medicine

- Environmental Biology

- Engineering, Computing and Technology

- Experimental Medicine

- Genetics




-           Immunology

-           Life Sciences

-           Microbiology

-           Nutrition

-           Occupational Health

-           Pathology

-           Pharmacology

-           Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences

-           Physics

-           Physiology

-           Public Health

-           Radiation Biology

-           Systematic Biology

-           Toxicology

-           Veterinary Science and

-           Zoology.


µ      Physics Abstracts                              

µ      Current Contents on:

-          Clinical Medicine;

-          Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences;

-          Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences;

-          Engineering, Computing and Technology and

-          Life Sciences.

          During the period 2009-2010, BANSDOC has provided 1,747 bibliographical references among the 15 scientists/researchers. Though government earned very little revenue income Tk.1,012 in exchange this service, really it is not evaluated in terms of money. The importance of this service is enormous in the field of research and development activities in the country.








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