Page 28 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 28
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^ Advertisements will be inserted under this heading for one cent a word ^
-1^ each issue. Numbers and initials count as words. All ads. will be classi-
-|^ fied iinJer their proper headings, thus enabling the buyer to readily find ^
the breed he wishes to purchase. No ad. accepted for less than fifty ^
cents. Poultry Review is sent every advertiser during the time his ad. is
,o, running. #
»'^ *itf* *^ XK ftjrt **fc* j^ .A^ f^ -^^ ,<^ *^ ^^ ,J*
ftj* *J(i ^t*
•it* *i(f* *J> «t^ «*rt Xjf* *i[f* *JU nji* ,Aft .A* **» fibt *A*
Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, De Graff strain.
S, C. I3iiff Orpingtone, 6 iirst-clasa breeding pens, 200 egg teieders. After March 1st. White Leghorn chicks
mated prize winners \t\ each pun. Chicks S to 10 weeks 10c each. Wyckoff strain. We will give you a fair deal.
oIcIk Seud for circulnj and prices. 7 Hill Craat Poultry Yards. S. Martin & Son, Props.,
Kordee Poultry Farm, Prairie Dtpot O. Alba, Pa. 7
Young Chicks.—Pullets and cqckerelg, eix to eight
White Wytindottfts ar« money makers. Mine are
very wblte^ 5ne shape, good size, splendid layers. Eggs weeks old. PiiUets almost ready to lay. Cockejfels
Jl per 13, t2 per 40. Miss Mary Berriman nearly broiler size. Can furnish "Bay Oids'^ and eggs if
Muncy, Pa. 2 preferred; but why waste money and time Tvhen you can
purchaee stock practically grown^ sure to live and thriveV
Circulars free. Winfield-Beech Co., Salem, N. Y,
500 birds for sale.—Black Leghorhs. bred from
S. C. Black Leghorn eggs SI, t2, 13, t4, S5 per 1£, Criae winners and noted layers Hon dan puUets from
"Black L«ghorD facta free. Our birds have yellow legs, ens trap-ne8t*^d te over 270 eggs a year. Thoroughbred
are enormous layers, steady layers, and "winners ifvherever birds at bottom pricfts, $1,0(1 eauh.
shown. If you want the beat write Qaimby & Brown, Quimby & Brown* Box B, Ipswich, Mass.
Box B, Ipawich, Mass. 1-00
One dollar buys fine Pekin Dueks^ tetting of Minorca
ROCKS. or White and Buff Wyandotles* Beat strains. Yearling
nens* Cctlliea cheap. J, £. Cole, Oak Grove, Del. 3
f f f/fy^/^ 'f/fyfffyf/fJf/^Jfyf//Jf/f/^^f/f/fyf/y^f/^yfyf/^^iF/^/fy^y^yfy^yfffyf^^y^, ^ . ^
1 offer for.'^e about 100 April batched Whita Ply- Buff Rocks and L^Khor+is. In perfect health; active
mouth Rock: pullets at fiO cents each in lots of five or and gQOd layers, Juat hatched 14 chicks from 15 eggs
more, Handaome, vigorous, stay-white birds from an To get acvuainted, 30 eggs for t^ .25,
i;:ttra hea.vy isying strain. Cockerels., same age.^ to mare Lauren Heasley, Dorr> Mich . G
with these at 75 cents each. Must have room or could fy^^fyfyy^^yf^fyfyf^fyfyf^^yf^fyfyf^fyfyfffyf^f^fyfyfyfffyf^fffVf^f^f^fVWy^^^^^V
hold these cirdg till fall for good priceSn Also for sale 40 Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocki, My birds
White Etoek yearlings with average record of 167 each are bred for utility and exhibition points, l^g^t t^ P^^
(jrat year, at $1,00 each in lots cif iive or more* 13. I C. F, Maurer ^Dutalin, Pa* g
H, V, Fitzgerald, White Plume Ranch» fjfy^yfyf'yfyfyfy^yfy^yfjfy^yfyjyf^fyfyfffy^yf.y^y^yfy^ffyfyfjfyfj/'yfy^yfffyfyfj'fy^^fy^ffy^^
Dongan HiUst Staten Island, N, Y 6 PIGEONS.
Thompson's Ringlets and Raymond's strain About 40 pure-pred Plymouth
sale cheap.
Barred Rock eggs 15 for *1.25, 100 f5. Mammoth Rock Homer pigeons, prolific breeders; or will exchange
Bronze turkey eggs, 25 cents each, from ISlb. bens«
for jioultry* A, S* Eastwood, Porter, W* Va* 6
35 lb, torn. White Guinea egKB, 17 J1.25. y^^fyjy^f^fJy^yyyJyJyyyf^y/f/fVyt ' ^ /yyf^yfyyf^yyf^yyfy/^/^/yy^f^yJy^y^f^yfffyfffy^vy^f.
Mrs, Eusebuis Barnard, Lenape^ Pa. 6
Pigeons—Mature, mated pairs* unexcelled breeders,
^ Homer, ^ Runt cross* J. C. Wickham,
Look here,—Barred Rock eigs $3*50 per 100, Send Schenevus, N, Y. 9
«tnmp for circular telling more about them. tffyf^^fif^f^f^^^A^/^/^/A^f/^f/^^^J/^^^JAff^^^/^/^^^^^ir^j!ff^fjrffyf£^f£^f/^f^
B. F. Brunbaker, Mount Joy, Pa. 6 Plymouth Rock Homer Piegons for sQuab breeding,
best and most prolific. Guaranteed mated birds*
White Plymouth Rocks* Direct from U. R. Fiebel's Write forprieea, W. K. Cumming, Winchester, Ky.
best stock. They are heavy egg producers with the
bejit trap nest records. Egjjs from 92 to 94 point birda
$1.5D per 15, S5 per lOO. Day-old chicks from best FARMS.
stock, tl2 per 100. B. C. Thompson, 711 Kenyon St* Poultry. Duck or Goose farm
Elmirs, N. Y* or htinting resort,
7 1-2 milcfl from Montpeljer, Vt. Between fojty and fifty
acres* Five-room housed, furnished, four stall D&rn with
White Rj^ck eggs for hat^cbing (Jr^ahel Strain.) Pen
one, *2.00, Pen two* 1 1*50 pet 15 eggs. Incubator carriage room,* abundant wood and pure water. Streams
wdl Mocked with trout;
lari^ and tmall mrame pleutifuL
eggs 15.00 per hundred, Satisfaction guaranteed.
FriEe winners at leading show^. Mou. tainousi healthful location. Price S750 furnished
H* P* Smith A Son, WoodhuU, N* Y. or £700 unfurnished. A* Quackenbnsh*
Amsterdam, N. Y. 6
Pen 8. C, Black Minoroas, worth J50 for llfl. One Best Quality Tested Incubator ThermoDueten.
•5 Northmp hen in tbe lot. Eego cheap. Priee 50 cents each, postpaid. Address, Poultry Roview,
Write J. E. Cole. Oalc Grove, Del. 6 Ehnira, N. Y*