Page 25 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 25


     Our Six- Months- Old Pullets Are Laying at the Rate of 24 Eggs Each
                                    per Month.
     In a space of two square feet for eauli bird.
                                       No green cut bone or meat of any description
                                                                           is fed,
     and the food used is inexpensive as compared with food others are using.
          Our new book. The Philo System of Pkooeessiye Poultey Keeping, gives full particulars
     regarding these wonderful discoveries, with simple, easy-to-understand directions that are right to
     the point, and fifteen pages of illustrations showing all branches of the work from atart to finish,
          ",^}^^ ts^'s ^O"' to ™akB a brooder for twenty-flve cents that will automatioally keep  all lice
      a i,
     ott the chickens, or kill ^ny that may be on them when put in the brooders.
             Mr. Haviland Saves 28 Chicks in One Hatch.
                                                           After thirty years of study
        Fully one-third of all the chickens ready to hatch die in the shell.
     and practice we have discovered a simple w-iy to save e^-ery chick that is fully developed and ready
     to hatch whether the egg is pipped or not.
                                      This, we believe, is one of the lost arts of the aucient
     Jigyptians,  It Ukes but a minute to save a chick and no skill is required.
                                                               Note Mr. Haviland's
        _                                           Brookville, Md., Feb. 27, iy08,
        Ueab Bibs :— I received my copy of the PMlo System at noon, the last hour of the 2 1st day for
     my incubator, containing 172 fertile eggs.
                                      About 100 were out of the shell and about thirty of the
     remainder were still alive, some pipped.  According  to directions with our hot air machine these
     were worthless.
                  We immediately proceeded according to "A Trick of the Trade " in your book and
                  '^^'^'^ ""^^ ""^' showed signs of life after laving in a garbage pail for some
                 '                                                         time.
     ,v  -.,  1
     We still have 128 chicks three days old
                                  ; lost but two.  Many of the egi^s were three or four weeks
     old when set.                                        '
                                                              E. W. Haviland.
     Our }^e\v Brooder Saves 2 Cents on Each Chicken.
        ho lamp required.  No danger of  chilling, overheating or burning up the chickens as with
     brooders using lamps or any kind of five
                                     They also keep all lice off the chickens automatically, or
     kill any that may be on them when placed in the brooder.
                                                  Our book gives full plans and the right
    to make and use them.
                       Que can be easily made in an hour at a cost of from 25 to ."lO cents.
        By special arrangement we are able to give for only 11,00 the book with the right to u«e
    patents and one year's subscription to Poultry Review,
        Upon receipt of $1.00 you will get the book by return mall
                                                         j        i-
                                                      and your subscription to Poultrv j
    Review will start at on<;e.
    Poultry Review,                                   Elmira. N. Y.
                        What Others Say:
     hrim'-B  wtts "nrX^^^^        "'".'f'','' '^  saj-iH-tlie bent Doot Tevei- rcrni on P.mltri.  I hive tried
    ^uin lerVuCrvpimt  ?;„, v^,«.  PHH" S)>itt;»i- ^I miWe four  "flif Trick o[ the xm.U"  aiKl  saved twenty.tivo  <-nlcl;eiia
    i"tl"H iondertu^  V,?.r^l^^ tTf J :£' , ""Zl  *"" ^°"'"  .^r".""^"  ""l  ""''" o'Ufwis'e "oiUil have died.  Yoinni truly,
    nsht  II all kinds ut wpatiior. ao ti-onbio                          Movkb.
                            iiui- ivoiiy »t all  No
    M,. duKs, mts or aiijthlnB can ftct at tliMii and you Itnon-
                                                            Bictiii.rhem, Pi., .inr. 3.1, i9(ie.
    ;  . , r.? i  1 y  T  "* "" '^i'l""-  ?'* '"»• '>""''' "' "^i^''  >'>'> »«> put  Rk-^b Sm ;-Youi i)00V: satoly to liand and have Seiive.i a,-eM
    oae  h- J  '^ MUather, iiliich lasted ten dajK. an.1 lost fjut  benefit tiiiio it. espeflnlly ' A Trick of the Tmd-.;."
    ^JJ; t niL'K.
                                                           Kesp^y youi's, G. H, STAMt'OaTu.
                    V, itli bt.!5t wishes, I remain,
                              (J. L, Mathbh.
                                                          MA^ToavJ^,LR. MIN^N., ttay  !."». ISNIS.
                                            DIAH S!R:-I si-Tit for Olio Of joui' Phllo S>'5t{!ln boolts some
                    SKASEATSijs. \. Y., .lUy s, isite.
    ™™;  iT  ,;  c  i  .. -  " ^^ iKot the Phllo Systwii of Pro-  linn' aito ami iimdi-uiie of the brootiers la soon as  I got it. and
    nn.^i" t T?  l/ « l?"'!'^ 'i'"1, r"''.  ''"'^y """ ono aitii-li!. mi.  alli-i i.suikh  :> IVn- daya 1 threw out my liroodei^ with heat.
                                           I wniiIiI iKd l:il;iii hruuder iiith heatasa frlftand have te use
    ,..;. ,M.,. ih  V  I.  '""''!''!:"'""' ''"™ worth three limos the  it.  .Nelliiiif; iiut your system for nic.
                  ,1 have saved on luy
                               last hateh llriy
    ihleKt.whieh«odoiiiBnleely.                                     Youis truly,
                      .  Very ti-iily von ra,                        L. A. Ll iiwiQ.
                              W. B. HBA8E.
                                                               PoToMA<;, Ii.r..,:Hav IIWH.
     ,,„„„„„„„  ,  ,  JlfNTji.dtusii. IND., Hay 1, IWe.  Dbah Sni:-1 am usIiiB ydur Svstein of PoMKrej-Blve I'oultry
                            bi'oodei- niid bi-ooUer  Keeping aitd<;ojLsidor it the best work on ooiiMrv I'aistinr  1 evei'
     MtflrLKMEw,— 1 , Have been omii;^. y
                 *^»' '';." "''"'"'''" '" '" .voarbook) ninee  itJad.  In my last hateh  1 suveti lii-eiily-l lin-.' 'eliiefeeiis by fol-
    latiti  jiaii.  V if''"'!'*'
    iTit.!^^.;; ul narrti uiit ul doors aiirl inall kinds of weather
                                           lowluf Iboarticle,  A Trlet of tlie Traile.-  i'oiirs trniT,
                   'I*'"' »o™»"i»elhinf overTW chieks
    S.I  '^..^.^'-VJl^t^lf' eooiis are dolnjif well,                 ruiii) jAsiso.v.
    halebeu and all In your
                   Vours truly,  KowAKi. T.IVI.OK.  Dear Sir:  River Falls, Wis, March  16, 1908.
                                            1 am well pLea^d with your System in Potiltry Kt*ep-
     DiCAn ,slK.-So.„e thue las, Fall f ^Sa;;i','l"Vot"l^ sisTf,', of' mirehased  '"^' =  ^"  '"^"" "<"* ">«" "4^"!:!!,'' "V,';."*^? 'A™;l;i=".??-
    loilti-y  '~^"""'"',"S"'^'.''>"  yoni- System of        Yn m-rtriT o  f n 'PhnvPr
                                                            ^""" '™'^' '' *-
                           It a trkl. Pntontthe
    IW?.;. keepinK am! decided to jcive
    first iiaieh the .,th of March and had such j^oodsueeesri uitJHl
                                                        r^    m:.  ,o  -i  tn  i
                                                        Conmion Era, Il]„ .liar, with it. We Ld twefvronts^S ho a                 10.
                                                 K. ii
                                            I nave Dujlt several          ;
    Itroodei-s and si.v iiisfde liot water brnodei-s. Have done away  of thp Ijryoaei-s as dcprri
    Nvitii all of them and ai-e ujiinff your system allobrelher  ^r. Philo anrl at present timo ^ave ynuti^ ehjck^,
                              Havoifotsoum of     doors,  healthy  anil  stronE,  witiinnt
    proodfne and aiohavInK flue sneeesa with It.  old,  out
                              s. I.. !IAt.toHB,  -^rmed by any srlificial heat.  Wilaiii Brooks,
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