Page 23 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 23


       Quick Sales and Large Profits

           Are made in the  sale of  the new Philo System Book and Poultry Review.
      One party has sold over J,500 copies, and many others are making easy ^money
      and lots of  it.  It is also a pleasure to  sell something that  is worth more than
      the price asked.  We have   hundreds  of  letters from people who  have saved
      the lives of many chickens and have  also saved many dollars by applying our
      System^    r 1>.,;^^  ^f Write for terms to agents.  .'<»",  -i-.j^H

          Poultry Review,                            Eimira, N. Y.

      For Sale At a Sacrifice
        3 Breeding pen8 of  Exhibition  Buff  Wyandotteg
      VVi liners at ths Eimira ?how. Also one pen CoUimbiaTja,
      Kinlg of the finest quality tit the price <rf common stuck
         F. F.  Rie(!!fl, 4^3 Sf>uth Broadway, Eimira, K, Y.  POULTRY RECORD
                     ' 'fff/fff/ffy '^^fi'f/yjf/^jf' V''^ >.'
                                                    '&'&  Se    49     «»
          rurtWElLS^ MONARCH                   A new raonihly journal devoicd
                                             to the interests of  the  poultry in-
        \                                    dustry.
                                                    49     S9     «e    «&
                                             Show      Reports       in   Full.

                                               You may be getting "more jour-
                                             nals than you Can read"    Ijut you
                                            are missing a good thing if yoii arc
                                             not getting this one.
                                               Special  introductniy   offer;  six
        Write for samples and prices
                                             months for lo cents.
      Stowell Mfy. Co.,                            «»     96     «»    «»
                                               The Poultry Record,
             Jersey City, N. J.
                                                    CAREY, OHIO.
                         SYLVAN POULTRY YARDS.

                 Brahmas,   Cochins,  Lang-shans,  Dorkins,  Leghorns, Wyandottt-s
                 Mmorcas, Dominiques, R.  I, Reds,  Rocks, Ducks, Geese,  GuiiU'as'
                 Pigeons.  Stock for sale. Eggs 1.50 per setting-. Score.c 96^ points!
                              J. F. Monroe. Prop. . Sylvan ia, Pa
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