Page 18 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 18

IS                          K)tJLTRY REVIEW

             time will come when they have reached  vitality.  Sometimes the very fact that
             the  limit of  their resources, and they  a hen is the best hen we have got on our
             will not be able to produce eggs.  It will  place will indicate she is not a good hen
             show  especially  in  the moulting time  to breed from.  The best hen we have
             when they are asked to reproduce and  got on our place at the present time, hen
             put on a new coat of feathers.        No.  6 1,  laid 216 eggs in  the  first  10
               Insomecases these chickens that were  months of her laying period, she was
             weak have overcome it to such an e.^tent  most vigorous and could give us the most
             that you would hardly be able to tell  fertile  eggs, and  the most  hatchable
             them   now  from   the  strong;  just  eggs out of seventy hens.  Her record
             the same as a child  is born weak, by  shows right straight through that she
             being kept under  the most favorable  was one of the most reliable hens in the
           '  conditions overcomes that weakness and  whole  place.  She had  a constitution
             eventually grows to be strong.  Yet  if  that would stand up under heavy feed-
             we know anything about the law of here-  ing.
             dity—like  producing  hkc—there  will   Wc have found hens that    in  their
             always be a tendency of the individual  general appearance and almost every-
             that was once of low vitality to break  thing that we generally understand to
             down or rep rod Lice that weakness.   be egg type, and yet they were not good
               Wc then come to the problem of pick-  layers.  We have, by caliper measure-
             ing out the strong and the weak  for  ments and by the use of scales and in
             breeding purposes, going right into the  other ways, found that there  is such a
             pen and picking out those fowls that  thing as an egg type.  We have   just
             show strong vitality.                 worked on the white Leghorns and the
               I believe that we can pick them out  Barred  Plymouth  Rocks.  I  believe
             so that when we put them into the breed-  strong  production  is  associated  with
             ing pens they will give us strong or low  strong  nervous  disposition.  The  egg
             vitality  according  to  the  birds  we  producer  is a motherly hen, and they
             selected.  Jt does not necessarily follow  will show mentality.  They will be the
              that if we picked out a hen who is now  most  intelligent hen you have in the
              showing low  vitality  that she would  bunch.  That hen No.  61,  is the most
              produce chicks of low vitality.  I picked  intelligent  hen  we  have.  You  can
              out a hen  of low vitaHty and  Prof.  handle her and yet  if she did not want
              Graham  said,- "Don't take her, she  is  you to catch her, she knows how to get
              to  well known,  she has  a wonderful  away from you.  She was in an experi-
              record behind her."  It  is not an  in-  ment where every hen had been dipped
              dication that that hen has not been a  in Diamond Dyes, every single bird of
              hen of strong vitality.  She might be  these 350 hens was picked up and per-
              of low vitality because of that heavy egg  sonally examined, a record made of the
              proudction.  I have seen hens of the  conditions of the moult in different sec-
              strongest  possible  physical  strength,  tions of the fowl's body and whenever
              the  picture  of  health,  and  that had  we drove the hens  into the catching
              never laid an egg.  There was no reason  frame that hen (61) was the last hen to
              in the world why they should not be   go through the hole, she always man-
              strong, healthy and vigorous.  I main-  aged to get away, she showed mentality.
              tain that no matter how good a trapnest  That hen had brains.  The same thing
              record  nor  how  great  a  reproduc-  is true of the best dairy cow, the best
              tion power the hen may have, if at the  horse, they are animals of strong men-
              time she produces these eggs she is of  tality.
              low vitality her chicks may be of low
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