Page 15 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 15
compared with the Httle shrivelled up chicks showed from the very start and
shanks of the weak ones. They have a continuing right straight through, up to
beak that is short and thick, and of a the present time, normal, vigorous,
good color as compared with a pale beak. healthy, others showing delicacy and
I believe in the large commercial ranges, low vitality. We went in there and
we have got to come to the point of and picked all those of low-vitality
eliminating these birds, putting them chickens and marked them, and leg-
by themselves beyond any possible banded them and numbered them, and
chance of ever getting amongst our we did the same thing with the strong
breeding stock. When they are getting vigorous chicks. We did not take a
'' Jolm " wlio is drftsaeil for business and is looting at the two-pound broilers in a Philo
Here is
System brooder coop March first.
their chick feathers we have another chicken that had low vitality that we
period in their Hves when they tend to felt would probably not live; because
show their low vitahty. We have start- there would be no use in spoiling our
ed a line of investigation at the "Univer- experiment in that way.
sity that we hope to carry on for a good And you can see the difference be-
many years to come. We selected tween these chickens when they weigh
brothers and sisters of white Leghorns two pounds apiece and later when they
hatched in the same machine and in the were put into winter quarters. The
same process, and yet some of these Continued on pa^e i8.