Page 10 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 10

           thf.t it will pay to carry the best layers  For  this, the  first double  test,  it was
           over the moult  for the second year's  found that the pullets laid an average
           laying,  IIi -e  is an illustration of the  value of $4.12 per head, and consumed
           benefit  of  the  divisional pen system,  I1.68 worth of food, leaving a profit per
           with the picking out of the most likely  head of $2.44 while the old hens yielded
           pullets, an  i penning them up in pens in  $3,01 worth of eggs, and consumed $1.52
           grades of best, second best, and third  worth of food, leaving a profit per head
           best layers, it will be found that many of  of $1.49, and a great advantage to the
           the hens will pay very well to keep for  poultry farmer would be  the  increase
           a second term, and just as decisive will  weight of the eggs.  It was found that
           the fact be that many of them will not  in the general average the weights in-
           pay.  To market the second and third   creased appreciably in the eggs laid in
           grades will add to the prodt of the best.  the second term.

                      77ie Ends are Hinged and Folded Ba k When Coop  is Closed.

               White Diarrhoea in Youn^ Chicks.

                                    Written by  Dr. F. W. Ross.
              This disease causes more deaths  in   These  investigations  and  bulletins
            young chicks than  almost  all  otiicrs  always give the result of a series of tried,
            combined,  often  taking  entire  flocks  tested and  proven  experiments.  The
            in a short time.  It is practically incur-  working details are not necessarily men-
            able unless immediately checked; once  tioned, but you may depend  upon  it
            getting in a fiock it is hard to eradicate.  when the department says it has found
              The best way to cure it  is to prevent  a cause  and suggests a remedy, back
            it.  The Department of Animal Indus-  of  it  all  is the work of  real quahfied
            try at Washington  has been investiga-  government experts.
            ting the disease and suggests a simple  Now these experts may not be able
            means of prevention.                  to tell a Wyandotte from a Cochin, but
              The bulletin says, wash the eggs in  they do know how to investigate disease.
            pure alcohol. Now this does not mean    There has been a very important and
            impure  or denattired  alcohol,  neither  valuable discovery  made by the  de-
            does  it mean to use wood alcohol  as  partment, and  it  is to the interest of
            many may do and kill the chicks.      poultrymen to profit by  it.  So do as
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