Page 8 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 8

8                          POULTRY REVIEW

           200 eggs during the year for each of the  From Mr. Thompson's report we ex-
           hens  in  them.  These  records ranged  tract the following:
           from 1474, the winning record, to 1210.  "After the success attending the five
           Here were seventy-two hens, picked up  complete series of annual tests, in which
           at random, almost, in New South Wales  data was accumulated  which proved
           which produced 75,154 eggs, an average  original and of great value and accepta-
           of a little over 210 eggs each.  It would  bility to many parts of the world, it was
           bo rather hard to find seventy-two as  a  happy  thought  of  the  organizing
           good hcris in this country, wc fancy.  It  secretary and management to test the
           would have been just as impossible to  productiveness and stamina of hens for
           have found as good quality in the way  a further period of twelve months.
           of productiveness in New South Wales    "Just  as  the  five  preceeding  tests
           six years  ago, but  these competitions  were the first of their kind in the world,
           have taught breeders how to select lay-  so now will the demonstration be the

                              A Colon)) Coop Made of the Brooder Coop.
           ing stock and the value of good layers.  first of a practical  test in comparison
           When sueh competitions become   pos-   with the capacity, stamnia and profit-
           sible in this county we shall see a great  ableness of  first and second year hens.
           change  in  the  "pro cluetiveness  of our  Until these competitions were commenc-
           Hocks,                                 ed a great many erroneous ideas prevail-
             The total cost of feeding the 360 hens  ed in regard to poultry-keejjing.  Many
           in the competition was $609.60.  The   of them have been dispelled.  No doubt
           market value of the eggs was $1484.18  the present data  in regard  to second
           leaving a  profit of $874.38  of almost  year hens  will be new to the scientist
           exactly  S2.44  per  hen.             in that  the time  is not  yet, that  the
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