Page 12 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 12
sanitary condition in which to rear your die, many of those, if not all, in the sun-
chicks. light will live.
This plan properly adherred to, in Fresh air and sunlight will destroy
every detail to the letter will save more germs and prevent and cure more
thousand of chicks yearly and is one of disease than all the drugs in Christen-
the latest and best and simplest recom- dom!
mendations of our Department of An- Remember besides, to treat the in-
imal Industry as maintained by the cubators and brooders before using with
government. a!l the sunhght you can get. Most
If on top of all this you give your germs die when exposed a few hours to
chicks plenty of sunlight and fresh air, direct sunlight.
you will be more than satisfied with the Dry air and sunlight will even des-
results. troy the germs in the droppings of the
Remember, any one of the processes sick chicks without other chemical aids.
recommended, if neglected may destroy But to keep the droppings damp and
the value of your work and you have dark is courting disaster.
the loss of the chicks to pay for your
Many persons say "I take no stock in
carelessness. germs." They might just as well say
Now many breeders consider that they don't believe a kernel of wheat
"chilHng" is the cause of the will grow if planted. The microscope
diarrhoea. This is true in a measure, sees and classifies the germ as well as
but is only in the part in which the your eyes unaided can tell corn from
chilling plays as it reduces the bodily wheat and just as accurately.
resistance of the chick and makes it
easier for the germs to grow. They In the matter of established facts it is
would not grow, if there were no germs is no matter what you think of them, it
to develop in the chick, to start with. is that it is so. Don't waste time try-
The Philo System of fireless brooders, ing to prove or disprove theories, accept
demonstrates that the cold alone is not established facts.
the cause of the disease, for he broods We shall be pleased in future issues to
chickens without artificial heat, in the answer any pertinent^and reasonable
coldest winters and no diarrhoea. statements or inquiries or objections
Aside from the disinfecting and advanced.
cleansing of the eggs, incubator and
brooder, the most important factor to The hen that lays all the year around
secure and maintain good heath in your is the hen for me but I am more especially
chicks is plenty of fresh air and, above
interested in the winter egg proposition.
all, sunlight. I breed and feed for winter eggs and I
Don't put your chicks sick with white
diarrhoea in the shade, or some dark get them. All the male birds that will
head my breeding pens next year are
cool place. Give them sunlight and air, now hatched, (February 14) or wiU soon
and, like many a case of roup, thrown be hatched, from eggs laid in widminter
out of doors to die, to our surprise we
this year; all the hens that are to be
find'the chicken not only stand tlie ex- admitted into my breeding pens have
posure, but actually gets well. proved themselves to be good winter
This very thing will happen. Take I am acquainted with each
part of the sick flock and keep them dark layers.
individual bird and have my breeding
and shady and damp and the other half, pens made up in my mind a year ahead
of the sick chicks in the sunlight and air of time.—Ex
and while all in the dark and shade will