Page 11 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 11

     they advise, and not try to improve on
                                           rohea and so far none of the Leghorns.
     the methods recommended. You might
                                           Some one will say the germ must have
     think of many different ways to disin-
                                           been inside of the egg and hatched with
     fect the eggs and try to improve.
                                     Just  the chick.  It looks reasonable but such
     stop and consider  that all this experi-
                                           IS not the fact.  The germ was on the
     menting with dozens of methods  they  egg .shell and the inside of the egg played
     have tried and sifted down, the alcohol
                                           no part except to act
                                                                 as the breeding
     is the best, safest, quickest and cheapest  place  of the germ  which caused  the
     and has no bad effects.  Take my ad-  diarrhoea.
                                                                       r?"-  .
     vice and do as they say.  There may be
                                             How. the gerws wjjicli^^atree-.ithe^'^di^
     other ways, but don't risk any chicks
                                           .ease.maj.Jjelikfj, th'QsevO^; typfeiS'let^'^^
     or time  experimenting.  If they  say-
                                          ''in ta^,.; i$h!ese.m)*$t.reiiiain..-in i;ontetf**>X
     alcohol  to cleanse the eggs, use alcph^,;    ,
                                           with decomposing animal or vegetable  """'
     exactly as  told.                -,  ',,',
                                          ' t matter a time before they have advance-'
       Now the valuable part of the investi-
                                           ed sufficiently far
     gation  is that the disease                            to reproduce the dis^'-^'>~
                              is due to a
                                           ease  in man who takes them
     germ, which may be in the stools of any                             in  his
                                           system through food and drink, mostly
     fowl at any age.                                                    •.
                                           impure water,                   r,-.;a-ji-,'-i
       In old fowls it seems to be harmless,
                                             You   might  drink  typhoid
     but in young chicks  it  is fatal.  Now                              germs
                                           perfectly fresh
     experiments demonstrate that the germ                and not have the dis
                                           ease:  yet  if allowed to incubate a few
     is left on the egg  in passing out perhaps
                                           hours, are virulent infection.
     in small numbers.  The process of in-
                                             Now  after
    cubation furnishes the very method of                the germs have passed
    breeding,  hatching and spreading the  through the bodies of the chicks from
                                           the infected egg shells in which they have
    germs, increasing the growth and even
     possibly  the  extreme  virulence.  For  caused the  disease, they are  in  turn,
     the incubator  is the very machine used  after a proper change, carried into the
     to grow and multiply germs   in  the  crops of the well bom chick who  gets
    medical and  scientific investigation  of  the disease, and thus it spreads from one
    disease.                               to the other along an endless chain.
      Thfese germs are found by the mis-     This explains the necessity,
                                                                        first of
    roscope  in the dropping of fowls and,  removing the sick and second, thorough
    apparently  harmless  to grown  adults,  cleansing and disinfecting the discharges
    they are deposited on the coating of the  from the sick chicks. Removing, drying,
    egg in an incubator.  There they hatch  sunhght,  all are disinfectants.
    and grow and multiply.   By the time
                                             You must go back of that.
                                                                      You must
    a chick  is ready to come out he gets
                                           fumigate the incubator after each hatch
    some of this germ culture in his mouth,  with  formalin or wash with
    absorbs  it and straightway starts the  live per cent, solution,
                                                              I suggest formalin
    growth in his own body, which multiplies
                                          as It is non-poisonous and will not corrode
    fast and in a few days he has diarrhoea
                                          the metal parts as sulphur or bichloride,
    and dies.  Giving through his stools the  and  it evaporates  after accomplishing
    disease to other chicks and thus spread-
                                          its mission and leaves nothing behind
    ing  indefinitely.                    to poison the chicks, as other germacides
      In  a  hatching  I saw  today some  would do.
    Rocks and Leghorns both hatched  to-    Now   washing and  cleansing,
    gether  in  the same  incubator  under  the eggs with  alcohol, then the incuba-
    exactly the  same  conditions.  Nearly  tor with  formalin,  then  the  brooder
    all  the  Rocks  have  the white  diar-  with  the same and you have a safe,
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