Page 16 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 16
cold. We thought if the chickens
could be successfully brooded in the
Puhltshed C^onihly coldest winter weather without heat, we
For Farmtrs and Poultry Fanciers. should be able to raise them without the
sun, but soon learned from the condition
PUBLrSHER, ELMIRA. N, Y. of tne chicks that we would not have any
in a few days longer if not changed to
Subscription price—50 cents per year. Suti-
a sunny spot. The change was made
scriptious may begin any month.
and a half day's sunshine changed con-
Advertising Hate, $1.00 per ineli.
ditions and, with the exception of two
or three', are progressing nicely.
The Review is disoontiu\ied at the completion
of the subscription term. This item will be
inarke<l with an X when yonr snbst;rlption has The difference between success and
expired. We solicit a prompt renewal. Order
NOW. failure in the poultry business may be
found in looking after the little details
and watching conditions. When one
Good Goods iti Small Packages. cannot see chickens out of condition or
We are stviviiif; to see how good a pHjier we fails to overcome improper conditions
can publish, not how many pages we can Mil. that mfiy be found in many poultry
lu this piof^ressive a^e poultrymen have n't
time to read ten articles to find one of some plants, he cannot expect the best suc-
practical value. cess. Neglect is often caused by a lack
We will do the skimming and (;ive you the
of time to properly do the work. In such
cream. We have men connected with the Poultry
Revie>v that have studied the practical part of cases we would advise smaller flocks
poultry keeping a score of yeare. and better care and the returns will be
We request contributions on all topics of
general interest to poultrymen. Good photo- better and the business more satisfac-
graphs are especially desired. tory.
Cs EDITORIALS ^ Possibly the best whole grain food
y/ during the very warm days is whole
buckwheat. It is also valuable as an
The exceptionally hot days of June
egg food, and fed largely it is almost
have been more trying on our poultry
impossible to get hens to set. It does
than the coldest winter weather. Our
not possess heat-producing qualities as
grape vines planted last season will be
corn and should be fed during the
a protection next year, but are rather
warmest weather, when it can be had at
small now to keep out the direct rays of
a reasonable price. When fed liberally
the sun. Although the coops are ad-
the yolk of the eggs will be very light
justed so the direct rays cannot fall on
in color unless the fowls have plenty of
the fowls and chickens, it must be un-
grass or clover clippings.
comfortably warm. The winter colony
coop provides the best protection and
.when there is some air stiring the fowls In this issue we have a practical
do not suffer from excessive heat, article by Dr. F. W. Ross, who knows a
few things about the "bugs" that make
Owing to the extreme heat a brood of us sick, and will' help the readers of
chickens from very valuable fowls were Poultry Review to get rid of them.
placed on the shady side of a building. The Doctor also has several strains of
Just at the time the chickens were taken very choice Houdans and the strength
from the incubator the weather changed of his chickens plainly shows that there
and was for a few days uncomfortably are no disease germs on his eggs.