Page 19 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 19

"              '                                       ,

                                    POULTRY REVIEW                              19
          ralllS^IiK^l^ or "weak Df tired     best indications of a roupy condition.
        or of low vitality usually carries her tail  Last fall we killed all the hens in one
        down instead of up,  a' strong fowl of  of our experiments and we found that
        strong vitality shows a good thicK shahrk:  the fattest hens were the hens that were,^,-,
        The head. shoWs .ufp pretty well, has' a  in  the'best' laying" condition, and since  .^
        large comb and face appendages show   that time- xsffe'havS hieti making
                                                                              Y^'"y L
        greater  :power  - and  greater  - physical  carefiil observations  ^Idrtg ^"that, POintJ, j
        strength? liil jhave'seeiio o\w^gi$iiomi wiffl^'-'A hen to Ir^'jn -a--W'od"lEfcm| "cogditiSn-
        ve«^^r<mg mMsi, hm-^hiW^^u^^S^'^' mu^&^g=f^^_;i6^J^^^"T.lie pr|y--"
        pace-^BratoMa TiWfh-JtgFahm^-^?)!' ESgftibi^"'- -Hioii'"tlf' e|^5 ^s^asla^^pM'tlius' fa^
        witbilssgHsiKri, tfi&'eoiwb^aritffecfe a|i5fe'HJ-'"'-i th?'Tien%a^-'fe'o'£^lSi?'§fifi?ria- up
        dages are'one'Of the strong"'marks of  in her anatomy, and a hen cannot' lay an,
        strong vitality as compared with weak  egg until she has. got fat in her bodyi,  '^
        vitaKty, strong physical pow«r- as com-  'because the yolk of an egg is about hajt
                            "  '
        pared with 'the low.'  '   ^          fat and she has got to have oil there to
          The comb    point  is  an  indication  make the  first part of the egg.  The^
       of  physical  vigOf^  -'  A'  ' hen'  '  ' earri es  three fatest hens we killed were in  the.^
        hercertificatefight' dh'ihetop    of  best  laying;  condition,  and  the  thre^j.^^^
        her  head.-'''I1j'-4s: wne M^ the evidences  poorest hens we turned out by  theni-,^^!
        that the blood  is circulating properlyJ  selves and there was not the faintest j^
          If a chicken: at the age of two or three-  chance of their laying for two or threg
        months gets a large amount of fresh meat  moiiths.  They were not poor hens  in^^j,
        it will get a good development of comb.  the sense of being thin.: They simplyi^j
          I believe early or late maturity  in-  did not have a large amount of fat  i?^  „«
        dicates  strong  vitality.  I  have- seen  theii* bodies.
                                                                   n otyf!        idt
       chickens that matured late come up to
       fullVfitrength and po\^er  . ' '  'A f wl that  Cycle Brooder-Hat chtr, new, for aate  replflced. by
                                             larger macbine.  Take |5. UeliVered. _]>. Thorn pstrn.-
       has' got a long  joint ahd' a' Weak breast                    D^Kalb, Jll.
       and "a long neck and generally a con-"     -I  itl"  I!  )i brif:        'so'ari
       sump tive -type' they liRV^-'k long  flat  SUBSTltlJtE FOR lech's
                  '          -''  ^- '''''  •
       crow- 'head:"       '
                                               Everyone living in the country sboxild ha^'fr  ji rtoTnoi'JlD
         Strong physical power  is; associated  made Refriifcrator.  Very beat aiibstitnt* for ice; keepa  .
                                             butter hard,  aiiilt sweet, eggs fresh.  Full plaUH^ ajidll^
       with a bulkier head, and with a thick  description, 15 cents,          ^^  i-tn\
                                                                             . H3?^  ^*^
       curved beak;  I believe as far as L have  Kenwood Poultry Yardt, Conover. N. •E/ „ ; ., „„
                                                                           Oij-h -yHiJcJi
       observed you will nnd more weak fowls  ' '/ ' :  •''--  a ''':'  -'ir;;' 'i —^^^^^^  'uij  e -  ' ,>  ' ,>, r.n-,
                                                       • ^"
       of the. crow-head type than you will of
                                            ^^AreYcu" DisccuVaged With ChtcK§'^,riT
       the thick type. A fowl that has low
                                                  If so. Try The Gins«ii8 Bueines*^ •r» vsdJ
       vitality  is- likely to have knock-knees-       There Are Rea»on«."  ,.  ^fff
                                             r'H  - t^f C  .-
       and 'stand ripoii the feet close together,  ItwJLl pay jou largkh, sruRit VEtoKiTS.  retail new ^evy, lutla  „
                                             'land and  tifie Jtfant amount ut  ^'oi-k ot any crijp ift..ow]i,  .fitltSJIIf
       andafowl of low viality is likely to stay"  -for JBSOto M.Ort  !\ ij'iu'"'-  ^".-tiv  il[-utlfre  tht' yenf roiuKl .with  .
                                             . cJii^jhen* wtiynalittfe Mttenttoti' (lurinB ^ix nK,nt;tn! of th^^.yt-^'triO'!
       upon the" roost, it will be the last one to"  - tu tlie cullivatio. nt Ki^l^f-]i^' ^"ilt yloLtl k'rualer pt-otlts*  - If you
                                             ni-K'- lt>oltina tt>ra plea^ut-. |n'ottlat>ly.l>Uijnu.itM write (o:- ^iftniia-rfjy'i
       get oS ifi-the morning and the first one  F. F. Rig«8,  423 S. Broadway,  Elmira, N. Y
       to get up there at night,                                         "^"
                                                           -.; im:  ';-        ":^ ^p-^ go into the heh^hOuse in the
                                                APES ANoROUPDONTTHVrOCURi! ''
       morwing and' see-'th&'eneS" that are on
                                             Gapes  in ehicks.  Prevent them—Iti ea?y,  <S yeari'?'"''
        the perch; you ate very likely to find the  raiHlng  cliluks and  not a gap,  1  positively, cure,  . „
        fowls' that are of low  vitality.  They  every case  of roup In  three days  Economise  tttui''
                                                                     It interested wjit a
                                              your teed bill at leaBl oue-thlrfl.
        are not. fiill of"snap and vigor.     me,                              '
                                              J. F-SkEES. KCh4SlNGTON POULTRY YARIji* '9^1
         Another  point  ''  that  indicates  low
                                                         MARION, OHIO,
        vitality is a cold shank.  It is one of the
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