Page 9 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 9


    whole of the eggs contained in the ovary  the replacement of a  bird.  Now this
    of a hen, can be rushed out in the space  compared with the fact that some pens
    of twelve months, yet it will be new to  lost fifty per cent, of the competing hens
    the layman that; it  is now 'getting Spos-  opens up a big avenue of thought and
    sible to bring out the seven, years' lay-  research during the future continuance
    ing capacity of a hen in the space of  of these tests which may solve for us
    twenty-four months.                    this  problem.  Great  egg  machines,
       "There is still a good deal to learn as  to put out large numbers of eggs in a
    to how this can be done, not only in the  short time, is only one part; how to do
    output of the desired number of eggs in  this without the early breaking up of
     the shorter time, but in accomplishing  the machine  is the other.  These two-
     this with the  least possible mortality.  year tests should do a great deal of good
    This is where the records of a two year's  in this way: To get early pullets, which
    test will be of great value.  The series  is absolutely necessary to make poultry

                         Sliding the Frame to Feed and Water.

    of five one year tests demonstrated how  farming pay, breeders have had to re-
    to breed, when to breed, how to feed,  sort  to breeding from untried  pullets
    when to  feed, and what to  feed, and  with many hereditary  affiictions, thus
    brought the accomplishment of a pos-   increaing weakness of stamnia and sus-
    sible lay of 250 eggs per hen, and now the  ceptibility to  disease, and  if only the
    two years' test has proved that this can  tried specimens of two years are bred
    be done without the loss of a single hen,  from, a bird of stronger stamina will be
    the  two  leading  pens  running  right  produced.
    through the two years' ordeal without    "The two years' test has demonstrated
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