Page 26 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 26


                       Fortunes in Fig Orchards

                        Texas Fids are the World's Fair Winners.
                 The famous Fig Preserves made at Aldine near Houston are the finest
                 and best known in the world.  One important thing which must not be
                 overlooked  is.  that  the  fig orchards here never fail  to produce large,
                                           profitable crops.
               One Acre Set in Fi^s and One Town Lot, Both for $230,
                 Payable ten dollars per month, without interest, no payment when sick,
                 clear waranty deed in case of death.  Local cash market for fruit.  Single
                 crop pays  for land and  lot.  Money back  in three years with annual
                                 Better than banks bonds or life insurance.  Tf you want  '
                 income for life.
                 to  enjoy  life  in South Texas under your own "vine and  fig tree," or
                     make a small, safe, profitable investment, write for particulars.
                                          AGENTS WANTED.
             E C. ROBERTSON         General Sales Manager.  316 Kiam BM'g. HoUSton, TcX.

                       Le^ Bands.                     "PYROZONE"

                                                              Cures Chickens
                                                       Of sealey lea,  kills  lii;c and prevent?
                                                                feather pulling.
             Adjustable                                        Cures Dogs
                                                       of mHnjje, e.-KBina, eai etmker, wire fence
                    Made lo fit any size fowl, as end          e\U3 and kills fleas.
             may be drawn up and clipped off  if too
                                                         Cures Cattle and Horses
             long.  12  for isc;  50 for 350;  100 for
                                                       Of  foiila, ficrtitclies mange and  all sores
             650, postpaid.                                     and skin diseases.
                                                      Absolutely harmless, safe and sure. Used suc-
              Double Clinch                         eessfuUy fm  J 5 j ears in ray famous  '  ' TiuRU Point-
                                                    er Kenijelfi," rtUfl  in my constant  work amon^c
                                                    animals and poultry and by breeders and owners
                              Same prices as above.
                                                   |   fine stock everywhere.  Large bottle  with
                            Different  size for each  1  full direct] tins, Sent express paid for f 1.00 and
                            breed.  State  for what  guaranteed satisfactory.
                            breed they are wanted.  W. p. Austin,          Elrnira, N, Y.
                                                              391 W. Water   St.
                             A  brass  spring band
                           with an aluminum num-
                           ber  tag.  Prices,  1 2  for  We can furnish  Best  Quality Poultry
                           15c; 50  for 4sc; TOO for  Grit at Greatly reduced prices.  Shipped
                                                    direct from fa tory at Branchville, Conn.
                           75c, postpaid.
                                                      100 pounds           1000 pounds *4,00
                  All kinds kept in stock and orders  5f«I                 ^000  "   7,50
              can be filled ?ame day as received.          CYCLE HATCHER CO.,
                                                    418 William  St.,        Elmira, N. Y.
              Poultry Review, Elmira. N. Y.
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