Page 27 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 27


                                                                            HL  „

                                           iri this issiie.
           (Continued from' page 2,2.)
     would use the mottled, ,^d bji^^.pnes tia«,
     second season.                    ..,,,( I
                         ,,_,  ,,,(,  ,.,,,1  ;^.,,,  BURKET                  I
                    *   *  *.
       Will you be kind enough to write an
     article in your next issue if possible on  WHITE ROCKS
     the best breed for capons and caponiK-
                                               "Show Stock"     Exclusively.
     ing  ?  I have your system and am get-
     ting your  book every  month. Am a        Send for my Show Stock Catalogue
     new beginner and  therefore would be        It contains the United States 1908
     gladii * t0 . see an- article on  cappns and
             :                                 .,..,„„.. t;QTT. WINNERS ^-rrrttr,vi a. .b
     CEipomzing.  I have  read  airticles  in
                                               White Rock Poultry Ysit^s:'
    ^'Other books,, but a good  deal of your
                                           •j         ,  Findlay, Ohio
    ~"work 'is .so  different  that I'm sure  I
    _would appreciate your article.—L. R.
                                              Amhepst, Golden, Silver,;
    n-'The' market you '-would have for' the
    ,';jcapons would have much to do with the  and Rin^neck Phesants;.'
     "best variety to breed for capons.  The     Young and Full'FIumage Birds.
    ;Light Brahmas   have been considered     White Cochin Bantams.^
    'best on account of the size and white  Mohawk Pheasantry, Box A, Mohawk, N.J
    'pin-feathers.  . The  Wbite  Orpingtoiis
                                           POST CARDS ^-^^^Sr^
     are next in line and have the advantage
                                             2n  Beaiitiful Post Carjs priiiteij in colors oti eioelleiit
    ; of maturing more quickly.  They have  dtock and illustrated "with any breed of fowls deflired will
     white  flesh which  is  objectionable  in  he sent absolutely free  it you send only 25 cents for a
                                           years trial subscription to the Poultry World.
    some markets and preferred in others.  Do not delay send at once.  Poultry World is a guide to
                                           auccessful poultry keeping and wi]l help you mal^e mon-
     The White   Rocks,  . Wyandottes  and  ey out ot the business.  It is printed monthly on fine booli
                                           paper, attractive cover, handsome illustrations, special
     Reds are also good, but do not grow as  well known writers.  Send 25 cents for a years trial su^-
                                           sciiption and get these beautiful cards free.  State bre«d
    'large as the two kinds above mentioned.  of fowls with -which you wish cards illustrated and men-
                                           tion this paper  Poultry World, Heron Ijike. Minn.
       In feeding capons whole oats and dry
     wheat bran should be kept in hoppers    Special Combination,
    , ,or open  boxes.  A mash consisting of
     'equal parts by measure of wheat bran,
                                               f^. Offers.
     ground oats and corn meal, moistened                          .^-|.,.ir?-
     with milk or water, should be fed in the  Poultry Review, one year; ",'^ *','1'|,,,  „
     morning and a  little whole or cracked     American Poultry .Advocate one year,
     mixed grain at night  , utitil one month  ,,.., The Philo Svstcm Book.  .  -  '*  .  ^
     before marketing when one part more
                                           :i^'i -.,"AU three for $1.25r'£^^ljlJ
     of corn  meal, wheat middlings and a
                                               Poultry Review one year,
     small quantity of linseed meal should
                                               American  Fancier,  semi=irionthly,
     be  added,  they should then; have,   ».»(
                                            ';;^;-^pnc year. The Philo System Book,,,'^'.,
     Ijtiaieral feeding .of cracked corn at nigl^
     kriQ" given skina milk to drink,  if possi*  f  M  j!„All three for $1,3S,
     bfe  to get   without too much cost,
                                               i^ouitry Review,  American  Poultry
     which not only adds to the pounds  of
                                                Advocate, Poultry Fancier, one ye^^ir.
     f3,^§J},,b.ut greatly improves the, quality.  The Philo Svstetu Book,    -^
     "^Cofeplete 'directions  " for  "caponizirig;
                                                    All four for $1.50
     are furnished  with each set of  instru-
     ments and we have published the direc-  Poultry Review, Elmira, I\.Y.
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