Page 32 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 32

Single Comb White Leghorns.

                     -=Otiw   ^Tfae Lond, Ran^y, Stay-White ^^"""^            ^_^
                                Are the acknowledged leaders wherever shown.

                          Our Twenty Years' Careiul Breeding
                On our farm has produced wonderful improvement over other strains.
                  Eggs for Hatching at Reasonable Prices by the Setting or on Large Orders.
                H. V. Bump,
                                                         Cambridge, N. Y-

                        METAL MOTHERS.

                         OLR NEW DISCOVERIES                           make

                     Poultry Keeping Easy and                   Profits Sure.

                     OUR      1908 PATTERN fflETAL                  MOTHERS

                         Are the perfected results of the latest discoveries in artificial
                    _                They will hatch hens, ducks, turkey and g-oo=e
                        egg-s equally well and at the same time.
                              Tlegulation of Moisture, and Heat entireln auiomatk.
                        One Metal Slottirir, complete, $7. .10, Two
                                                       .ft 11; Four $34.
                                       Oae Hfttehiir, uHiiplete $.>.g»i.uTwo '$d; Four $17- Six mi
                    CYCLE HATCHER CtJ.,                                           .'
                                                 418 William St.,    Elmira, N. Y

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