Page 29 - Poultry Review June 2008
P. 29
Single Comb Rrown Leghorns
Direct from the Howell Strain, tlie Acknowledged American Leaders.
Six entries at 1908 Elmira Show gave us three first, one second and two third
premiums. Selected Eggs at $1.50 per 15.
Harry Mills. 510 Hart St.. Elmira. N, Y.
SUNNYSIDE POULTRY FARM Breeder of all varteties-
Brahmas, Cochins, Lanjrshans, Leghorns, PoHsh, Minorcas, Hamburgs, Wyan-
dottes, Javas. Anconas, Houdans, Spanish, Sher^'oods, Rocks, Dominiques, An-
dalusians, Urpingtons, R.I. Reds, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys. Guineas and Pigeons.
Poultry Judge, aleo Member of A. P. A., Eilmiri and
F. I. Bradford, Box 9. Troy, Pa.
Hornell Poultrv ABSOcifltiotiic.
m The
Cycle Lampless Galvanized Brooder
I Made after The Philo System Plan and E
m are practically indestructible.
This is the brooder used to raise our chickens out of doors during the
coldest winter weather without artificial heat. They are lined with non-
conducting material to help retain the heat, and are provided with an
I adjustable blanket and heavy wool stuffed quilt that will retain the heat
V9 of as to ,0 chickens in zero weather. Shipping weight eight pounds.
One Brooder $2.50 Five for $11.25 Ten for $20.00
Mr. T. Brown of Belle Center. Ohio writes the following: "I have four
of your Philo System Brooders in use and find they will do just what you
recommend them to do. I am sure I can place many of them and sell
your book. Kindly let me hear from you regarding agents terms for
Harden and Logan counties.
This is just a sample of hundreds of letters we are getting.
i Cycle Hatcher Company
m 418 WILLIAM ST. - - ELMIRA, N, V.
Caponiz^Dit is easy dud sooiEi
r IcaniCHJ. C^ponsbrlc^ tancypric^
:apon «£ and axe fLU^^ys in dernondH
OOLS Stal [KCrttpaid far (3-50- Capon
EgoIc irec. Write today.
B, r. flLUN9 & tOI U., Artfc Et», PhlEidilphti, P|.