Page 245 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
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INDEX                                                         231

                link set, 66                  probability distribution
                no side effects, 67                sampling, 69
            parallel evolutionary algorithm, 88–95  process control, 124–125
            parallel GP, 89, 94               production rule, 53
            parallel processing, 90           program
            parallel virtual machine (PVM), 95    architecture, 50
            parameter                               evolution, 50
                quadratic polynomial example, 30  evolution, 2
                values, 26–27, 116                human understandability, 51
            Pareto                            program evolution with explicit learning
                criterion, 106                        (PEEL), 74
                dominance, 76–80              program execution, 24
                  relaxation, 78              programmatic compression, 128, 129
                front, 77                     proportional  integrative  and  derivative
                preference, 80                        (PID), controller, 119
                tournament, 78                proposals to funding agencies, 139
            Parisian GP, 122                  protected
            parsimony                             MOVE AHEAD, 22
                coefficient, 106                    division, 22
                  difficulties, 107                 other operations, 22
                  dynamic, 106, 107           pruning neural networks, 82
                lexicographic, 77             PushGP, 59
                pressure, 106                 PVM, 95
                  covariant, 107              pygmies and civil servants, 81
            particle swarm optimisation (PSO), 127
            patentable invention, 119         QSAR, multi-objective, 78
            penalty bloat control method, 107  quantum
            permutation mutation, 43              algorithm evolution, 118
            point mutation, 16, 43                computing, 118, 120
            Poker, 127                            Fourier transform evolution, 120
            polymorphic types, 53             quantum programs, distribution of, 99
            population size, 26–27
                applications, 116             ramped half-and-half, 11, 13
                troubleshooting, 134              problems with, 40
            population variety, 136           ramped uniform initialisation, 40
            population-based  incremental  learning  RapidMind, 92
                    (PBIL), 70                rate
            post fix notation, 92                  crossover, 17
            precision vs. recall, multi-objective GP, 79  mutation, 17
            premature convergence, 84             operator, 17
            preparatory step                  rational allocation of trials, 84
                architecture-defining, 50      recurrent transition network, evolution, 66
                fitness function, 24           recursion, 59
                function set, 20              regression, 114
                parameters, 26                    numeric, 30
                terminal set, 19                  symbolic, 30
                termination, 27                     applications, 113–116
            primitive set, 9, 19–23           removal bias theory, 102
                evolving non-programs, 23     reorganisation of subtrees, 46
                modelling, 115                repair operator, 81
                side effects, 20, 24           replication accuracy theory, 102
                vector-based, 51              representation
            primitives, number in population, 136  GP, 9
            probabilistic incremental program evolu-  graph-based, 65–68
                    tion (PIPE), 71               prefix notation, 10
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