Page 240 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
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226                                                        INDEX

            architecture altering operator, 48, 50  branching factor, 15
            architecture design tool, 76      bulletin board, 149
            architecture-defining preparatory step, 50
            arity                             cache
                function, 11                      data, 86
                node, 11                      Cartesian GP, 67
            art, evolutionary, 127–128            GPU, 90
            artificial intelligence, 1             multi-objective, 81
                human competitive, 117–121    CCNOT, distribution of circuits, 99
            artificial neural network, 66, 121  cellular automaton, 68
            auto parallelising code, 68           evolution, 119
            automatically defined function (ADF), 48  cellular encoding, 57
                limitations, 49               check pointing, 85
                primitive sets, 50            Checkers, 127
            automatically defined iteration (ADI), 50  chemical engineering, 124
            automatically defined loop (ADL), 50  chemistry, 78, 126
            automatically defined recursion (ADR), 50  Chess, 120, 127
            automatically defined store (ADS), 50  circuit design
                                                  multi-objective, 76
            Backgammon, 120, 127              circuit, analogue
            backward chaining GP, 86              evolution, 119
            Bayesian automatic programming (BAP),  classification, 132
                    74                            cellular automaton, majority vote, 68
            Bayesian optimisation algorithm (BOA), 70  handwriting, 122
            Beagle, Open, C++ implementation, 148  infrared images, 121
            beowulf cluster, 95                   M25, 121
            bias induced by constraints, 55       optical, 122
            bibliography, GP, 148                 PADO, 67
            bin packing problem, 127              SAR radar, 121
            bioinformatics, 125, 126              sonar, 122
            biological system, 125            closure, 21–22
            bloat, 97, 101                    cluster computing, 95
                control, 76                   co-evolution, 46
                crossover bias theory, 104    code
                definition, 101                    active, 102
                executable model, 102             inactive, 102
                initialisation effects, 40     communication topology
                lexicographic control, 77         ring, 94
                lexicographic parsimony, 77, 78, 80  toroidal grid, 94
                MDL, 107                      compiled vs. interpreted GP, 24
                multi-objective, 77               GPU, 90
                mutation effects, 42           compiling GP populations, 90
                nature of program search spaces the-  comprehensible programs, 51
                    ory, 102                  compression
                Pareto control, 78                fractal, 129
                parsimony pressure, 106           image, 128
                practical effects, 101             lossless, 129
                removal bias theory, 102          lossy, 128, 129
                replication accuracy theory, 102  sound, 128
                size evolution equation, 103      video, 129
                Tarpeian method, 106              wavelet, 129
                vs. growth, 101               computational chemistry, 126
            boids, 128                        computer art, 127–128
            bomb disposal, 124                computer game, 127
            books, GP, 146                    computer program, evolution, 2
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