Page 247 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
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INDEX                                                         233

                search spaces, 99
            thesis write up, 139
            time series, financial, 123–124
            TinyGP, 151–162
            Toffoli, distribution of circuits, 99
            tournament selection, 14–15, 86
            Transputer, 94
            trap function, 72
            travelling salesman problem (TSP), 127
                depth, 12
                derivation, 54
                editing, 46
                size, 12
            tree adjoining grammar (TAG), 55
            tree-based representation, 10
            Tron, 127
            Turing complete GP, 64
            Turing complete program, theory, 99
            Turing test, 117, 142
                consistency, 21–22, 51
                conversion, 51
                initialisation, 56
                more understandable programs, 51
                multiple, 52
                single, 51
                strong, 52
                  higher-order, 53
                  multi-level, 53

            unexploded bombs, 124
            uniform crossover, 44
            uniform initialisation, 40
            uniform multivariate distribution algorithm
                    (UMDA), 70

            validating results, 132
            variety, of population, 136
            vector-based primitive, 51
            VHDL, multi-objective GP, 79
            video compression, 129
            videos, GP, 146
            virtual reality data visualisation, 80
            watermark security
                application, 122
                multi-objective GP, 79
            wavelet lossy compression, 129
            world wide GP, 95
            Wright’s geographic model of evolution, 88
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