Page 246 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
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232                                                        INDEX

                reverse polish, 92            SPEA2, 78
                syntax tree, 9                species
                tree-based in GP, 10              formation, 88
            reproduction operator, 17             ring, 88
                in example, 33                speedup factor, GPU, 92
            result-producing branch, 48       speedup techniques, 83
            reusable component, 48            staged fitness function, 81
            reverse polish representation, 92  static fitness, problems with, 84
            reversible computing, distribution of, 99  stochastic computing, distribution of, 99
            rewrite rule, 53                  stochastic context-free grammar, 74
            ring species, 88                  stochastic search, 97
            RoboCup, 118                      stock market, 123
            robot                             Stroganoff, 43
                control, 119                  strongly typed GP, 52
                Elvis, 115                        theory, 98
                football, 127                 sub-machine-code GP (SMCGP), 93
            run time errors, avoiding, 22     sub-population, 93
            run time exceptions, problems, 22  submitting to a journal, 139
            sampling                              crossover, 15
                probability distribution, 69      mutation, 16
            SAT, 127                              reorganisation, 46
            schema theory, 98                 sufficiency, 22–23
            search                            supercomputer, 89, 95
                evolutionary models, 98       swap mutation, 43
                stochastic, 97                swarm, 122
            search space, 24, 97, 99          symbolic regression, 30
            seeding, 41                           applications, 113–116
            selection of parents              syntactic constraints, 56
                tournament, 14–15             syntax tree, 9
                  backward chaining GP, 86
            semantic constraints, 56          T7 programming language, 64, 100
            sensor, soft, 114                 take over time, 84
            seti.home, 95                     Tarpeian bloat control, 106
            shrink mutation, 43, 106          teaching aids, 124
            side effects, 20, 24               terminal set, 19–20
                applications, 113                 evolving non-programs, 23
            signal processing, 121–122            example, 29
            SIMD, 90                              modelling, 115
            simple generics, 53                   side effects, 20, 24
            simulated annealing, 44, 46           sufficiency, 22–23
            single typed programs, 21, 51     terminals of a grammar, 53
            size                              termination
                evolution equation, 103           criterion, 27
                Lagrange distribution, 104        example, 31
                limits, 104                   theory, 97
                tree, 12                          bloat, 104
            size-fair                             crossover
                crossover, 45, 105                  bias, 104
                  theory, 98                        context-preserving, 98
                mutation, 42, 105                   homologous, 98
            soft sensor, 114                        one-point, 98
            solution density, 57                    size-fair, 98
            sound compression, 128                non-Turing complete program, 99
            spatial separation, 94                schema, 98
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