Page 59 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 59
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
It is adapted to humid tropical climate which has plenty of rainfall, sunshine and high temperature. It is
adapted to heavy clay or clay loam soil . for its production PH range should be 4.5 to 8.5 . However grow
well in acidic soil due to major micro-nutrient availability.
We can store water in clay soil but we cannot store water in sand.
Sowing methods of rice.
Transplantation of nursery
Direct seeding
It is done in countries which has adequate water supply system. For transplantation we develop nursery
establishment. It must be completed before 20 may. It takes 25 to 40 days for its establishment. There
are three methods of nursery establishment.
Wet bed method
Dry bed method
Rabbi method
Wet bed method
Wet bed method is practiced in traditional growing area of rice. Fine texture soil in which clay content is
greater than sand. Plots are puddle and pre-emerged seed are broad casted. Seed rate is 20 to 40 kg per
hectare. High seed rate results in weak seedling whereas low rate encourage weed to sprout.
Dry bed method is practiced where the soil is loamy or silt loam and puddling is not possible. Plots are
prepared in dry conditions or field capacity level. Seed rate is 1.5 times higher than wet bed method.
Weeds control is not satisfactory.
Rabbi method is practiced in dera ghazi khan area where the soil is hard and seedling uprooting is
difficult. Nursery plots are prepared with spade and crop residue is spread and burnt a day before sowing
to loosen the soil. Seed rate is twice as compared to wet method. Weeds can be controlled satisfactory.
Small size seed ( basmati)
Coarse seed (mehran)
Seed rate is low for fine or small size seed (basmati than coarse seed)
Production technology
Land preparation