Page 54 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 54

Introduction to Agriculture         Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas

                       It is no further accumulation of dry matter through photosynthesis. At that time moisture content
                       is 30 to 40 percent.
                       Harvest maturity
                       When moisture reach to 8 to 20 percent and have maximum dry matter.

                                        PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR CEREAL CROPS
                       The edible grains are called cereal grain, grain crops. It includes in a family poacea  or graminae
                       for example wheat, maize, rice, rye, millet, barley , sorghum and triticale.
                       Economic importance
                       1.  It is used as a staple food for human through out the world.
                       2.  It occupies about fifty percent of plow land in world.
                       3.  In Pakistan it occupies about 54 % . it dominated world agriculture because it directly or
                          indirectly provide as major portion of human diet. It is the cheap source of calories uses as
                          feed and forages for live stock.


               General characteristics of wheat
               Local name   gandum
               Common name   wheat
               Scientific name   Triticum aestivum
               Growing season rabi
               Mode of pollination
               Photoperiod requirement
               Long day plants
               Special name king of cereal
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