Page 55 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 55
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
adaptation Seed bed Sowing Seed rate Method weeding yield diseases control varieties
preparation time of sowing
Wide range of 4 to 5 times Irrigate Irrigate Broadcast 1 to 2 For Rust Vitavax, Saleem
climate and soil. plow and is area 100 to120 Line par weeding is rainfed Smut banlet 2000,
Soil loam or clay followed by 1- 15nov- kg per or drill enough. after 1000 to Loose haider
loam 2 planking. 15 dec. hectare and khora 1st irrigation 1500 kg smut, 2000,
Farm yard Rainfed For method. for effective per flag inqilabi,
manure 10-15 area 15 rainfed 60 khora weed hectare. smut Khyber,
tons/hec oct to to 80 kg method is control. From and bakhtawar,
NPK 16 nov. per old one. First irrigate partial margala,
135,80,00 for hecater Drill is irrigation is area smut. fatha
irrigated. better done after 2 2000 to sarhad,
80,40,00 for because to 3 weeks of 3000 kg pirsabaq
rainfed. All decrease emergence. per Rainfed
phosphorous labor Than growth hectare. varieties
is applied at cost. root National Bamon,
sowing while Avoid initiation. is suleman,
nitrogen is seed Than at 2780kg bard 1,
split half. Half wastage tillering per bard 2.
at first stage. Than hectare.
irrigation at boot stage
while half at (spike
second development
irrigation. stage ), than
Potash is at earing or
applied 60-80 anthesis
kg per hectare. stage. Than
milk stage
harvesting at
15 april to 15
may at plain
areas while
in hilly areas
it is done at
june or july