Page 60 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 60
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
In dry condition, upland rice production. The land is plowed 2 to 7 times and than smooth it via planking.
In wet condition (low land) the soil is puddle, this puddling make an impervious layer which reduce water
Fertilizer and manure application
10 to 15 tons FYM is added a month before puddling. NPK 120,60,60 is used for fine varieties.
NPK 140,60,60 is used for coarse varieties.
Zinc is an important microelement is used at the rate of 12.5 kg per hectare i.e. znso4.
Cultural practices
Land preparation
Manure and fertilizers
Early transplantation causes sterility of plant due to increase in temperature at anthesis stage. Late
transplantation of seedling result in insects, pest and diseases attack as well as cause lower no of
production tiller due to shortening of vegetative period. Time range is from twenty June to fifteen July.
Good condition seedling 25-40 days old are transplanted. Two seedling per hill whereas 50 days older
seedling are transplanted two to four seedling per hill. Optimum plant production is 1000,00 plants per
In pady land, water is allowed to stand particularly for initial twenty five to thirty five days. In
transplantation the water level is kept at 3 to 4 cm, to avoid submerging of seedling. After a week, the
water level is rose upto 7 to 8 cm. exchange of water is done once a month. Fresh water should be
First month of transplantation is very critical for weed infestation and reduce yield upto fifty percent.
Uprooting the weeds at least twice is done.
Proper land management
Irrigation management
Can be used for weeds control.