Page 62 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 62

Introduction to Agriculture         Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas

                                         PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR BARLEY, SORGHUM AND

               Parameters              barley                  sorghum                 Millet
               Local name              jow                     jawar                   Bajra
               Scientific name         Hordeum vulgare         Sorghum bicolor         Penisatum typhodes
               Pollination             self                    self                    Cross
               Photoperiod             long                    short                   Short
               Root system             Fibrous                 fibrous                 Fibrous
               Special characters      Drought tolence         Drought resistance due   Drought resistance
                                       Efficicient water       to way leaves

               adaptation              Cool,temperate,         tropical                Hot and dry climate
               soil                    Loam to silt loam       All types of soil       All types of soil
               Cultural practises
               No of ploughing         5-6                     4-5                     3-4
               No of planking          1-2                     2-3                     1-2
               Fertilizers NPK         50.25.0                 100.50.0                80.40.40
               Time of sowing          Mid oct to mid nov      3  week of june-july    June-july
               Method of sowing        Broadcast or drill      Broadcast or drill      Broadcast or drill
               Row to row distance     20-30                   60-00                   50cm
               Seed rate               50-60                   6-8                     6-8
               weeding                 No need                 1-2                     1-2

               Insect/pest/diseases    Powdry mildew,smut      Shootflies, borers.Leaf   Smut and blight
                                       and rust                spot, blight
                                       Army worm , aphids
               irrigation              2-4                     2-3                     2-3
               harvesting              March-april             Nov-dec                 Sept-oct
               Storage                 15% moisture            12-13 % moisture        <10 % moisture
               yield                   0.7-12 tons per hectare   0.2 to 0.4 tons per   0.2 to 0.3 tons per
                                                               hecatare                hectare
               cultivars               Awarum                  Hagari                  Der
                                       Bujawar                 Shaheen                 kohat
                                       Frontier 87             Kamandari               kohat
                                       Neelum                  Aachi
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