Page 63 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 63

Introduction to Agriculture         Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas

                                             PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR LEGUMES CROPS

                                     Whose grains are edible purposes.


               The dehuled grain legume

               Importance of legume

                                     1.  Cheap and excellent source of protein grain legumes
                                     2.  Poor man meat in developing countries.
                                     3.  It has higher protein than cereals.
                                     4.  It can increase soil fertility through nitrogen fixation.
                                     5.  Cereal crops are grain crops and they are rich source of carbohydrates.
                                     6.  Good source of animal and poultry feed.

               parameter       Gram or       Lentil or       Mungbean      Pigeon pear
                               channa        masoor          or green      or arhar
               Local name      channa        masoor          Green gram    Arhar
               Scientific      Cicer         Lens culinaris   Vigna        Cajanus
               name            aeritinum                     radiata       cajan
               Pollination     self          self            self          Cross
               Photoperiod     Long          long            self          Cross
               Root system     Tap root      Tap root        Tap root      Tap root
                               system        system          system        system
               Season          rabi          rabi            Kharif or     Kharif or
                                                             spring        spring
               Special         Nitrogen      Nitrogen        Not resistant   Nitrogen
               characters      fixation      fixation        to heat and   fixation
                                             resistant to    drought
               adaptation      Semi arid     semiarid        Tropical or   Subtropical
                                                             subtropical   or tropical
               Soil and        Sand-sandy    Sandy to        Loam to clay  Sandy loam
               climate         soil/clay     sandy clay      loam
               No of           1-3           2-3             3-4           1-3
               No of           1-2           1-2             2-3
               fertilizers     15.50.50      25.60.60        20.60.60      25.50.00
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