Page 64 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 64
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
No nodule
Time of Sept to Oct to June to july
sowing novemeber november
Sowing broadcast broadcast broadcast Broad cast
Seed rate 50-60 25-30 25-30 30-40
weeding 1-2 1-2 2-3 2
irrigation 1-2 No irrigation 2-3 6-7
Insect or pest Cater piller, Aphid, weevils aphid Pod borer
disease Blight, root Downy Leaf spot or Sterility
rot mildew, rust, rot mosaic virus
harvesting March-april March-april Sept-oct Oct-nov
storage 10 % <10 % <10 % <10%
yield 700-800 kg 600-700 kg 800-900 kg 700-800kg
per hectar per hectare per hectare per hectare
cultivar Punjab 91, Masor NM-92,NM ICPL-ISI
noor 91, 85,mansehra 98, NM 19-
karak 7 89, precoz 91
Sugar cane and sugar beet
By product (leaves, top) are used for the preparation of paper and also use as feed for animals. By product
(molasses) are used as alcohol and remaining part of molasses called bagasses. Most of sugarcane
cultivars are male sterile and therefore they donot change into reproductive stage. But there are two areas
jaban (dargai) and karachi where sugarcane reach to its reproductive stage. Sugar beet reprodcuting stage
is called bolting stage which occur in second year which is undesirable because sugar content decreases.