Page 53 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 53
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
In rotation of crops our main interest is fertility of soil while in sequential crop production is our
interest. The sequential growing of crops at a piece of land to improve productivity as well as soil
fertility is called crop rotation. It should be well planned. Legumes must be included e.g.
Wheat mungbean wheat
Maize gram tobacco
It is a prime importance. It must belong t refuted company. It has high purity and germination.
Sowing method
Planting it a recommended seed depth, seed rate and row to row and plant to plant distance. Seed
must be covered after sowing with soil. Appropriate methods should be used.
Line sowing
Sugarcane, maize, tobacco
Broad cast
Clover, sorghum, maize.
Kharif crops need more irrigation than rabi crops. Irrigation must be done at evening time avoid
water storage in plots.
Multi harvest crops
Some crops are multi harvest means gives us more than one single cut. After each cut plants or
fields must be irrigated and fertilized to increase its succlency e.g.
Barseem, shaftal and all types of clover.
The uprooting of extra plants from dense population is called thing. It is done to optimize plant
population . it should be practiced within a month of emergence . try to uproot weak and damaged
plant only. It is done to decrease input cost and to facilitate hoeing, and harvesting etc.
Thinning is based on crop nature that is morphology, crop duration and purpose of cultivation.
Long duration …..thining more
Short duration……..for fodder not thinning.
Control weeds as early as possible using herbicides or manually. It should be completed upto
reproductive stage. Use light implements and not too deep and frequent at field capcacity level.
Insect , pest and diseases
Check periodically for insects, pest and diseases control through pesticides. Disease resistant
cultivar is preferred.
Harvesting and storage
Harvest the crop at harvest maturity to increase quality, quantity and to avoid shattering.
Yellowing of leaves or drying of leaves and loss of green color is indication for crop harvest
Crop store the seed at proper moisture content
For oil crop seed store at moisture 4 to 8 %.
Other cereal seed 10 to 16 % moisture.
Store in dry and clean place. Fumigate the store house before storing crop seeds.
Physiological maturity.