Page 48 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 48

Introduction to Agriculture         Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas

               Cultivating the soil with shallow tillage implements before the emergence of crop. It is practiced when
               germination is delayed due to some reasons.

               Clean tillage

               Tillage operation in which no plant is left undisturbed is called clean tillage. In clean tillage weeds are
               removed from crops.

               Deep tillage is used to incorporated to destroy crops as well as weeds.

               Mulch tillage

               Tillage operation in such a way that plant residues(stubbles)  or other mulch material (plastic, stones) are
               left on soil surface is called mulch tillage.

               This tillage is implemented where temperature is high, availability of water is low.

               Contour tillage

               Tillage operation along the contour in order to reduce run off (speed of water).

               Wet tillage

               It is also called puddling. Tillage operation in standing water in order to produce an impervious layre.
               This layer reduces percolation and leaching fertilizers.

               Minimum tillage or zero tillage

               Concept of minimum tillage was started in united state in  1974 because of high costs of oil prices.
               Minimum tillage is aimed at reducing tillage to minimum which is necessary for good seed bed, rapid
               germination, satisfactory plant stand and favorable conditions. It is against primary and secondary tillage.
               Tillage operation can be reduced by two ways.

               By omitting operations which don’t give much benefit and are very costly.

               Combining tillage operations by combine drill.


                   1.  Lesser seed germination.
                   2.  Germination percent  decreases.
                   3.  Poor root development.
                   4.  Poor nodule formation.
                   5.  Reduce the rate of decomposition of organic matter.
                   6.  In minimum or zero tillage weeds are controlled by herbicides but continuous use of herbicides
                       cause pollution. Zero tillage refers to growing of crops with least soil disturbances in which
                       unwanted crops are controlled by herbicides.
                   7.  The seed is planted directly into the soil with special planting equipments (diplers).
                   8.  Zero tillage is used in high erosion areas.
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