Page 45 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 45

Introduction to Agriculture         Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas

               Sub-surface irrigation
               In sub surface irrigation water is applied from below ground surface to the roots of plants.

               E.g. karez system.

               Sprinkle irrigation.

               Water is applied in the form of spray or foliar application.

               Drip or trickle irrigation

               When water is applied to the plants roots in small plastic pipes only.


               Mechanical manipulation of soil aimed at improving the physical condition of the soil. Tilth is physical
               condition of soil resulting from the tillage.

               Objectives/Advantages of tillage

               It improves soil structure vs. texture.

               Soil structure

               The aggregate of soil particles is called soil structure. Results show that round structure is good for

                Soil texture

               Relative proportion of clay, silt and sand is called soil texture.

               Removing of weeds or stubbles.

               For the decomposition and incorporation of organic matter (plant residues)

               Increase multiplication of nitrogenous bacteria.

                                     Destroy the eggs of insect and pest.
                                     Tillage is also important for incorporation of organic and inorganic matter.
                                     Tillage is also important for control of soil erosion.
                                     Water infiltration in the soil increases as a result water runoff decreases and  it
                                     will decrease soil erosion.
                                     Improve the temp of soil.
                                     Increase water conservative.
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