Page 47 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 47
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
Secondary tillage
By which soil bed is prepared.
Sohaga conventional
Disc harrow
Cultivater or tiller
Is that tillage operation when the seed is present in soil till maturity . it is performed after planting of
plants e.g. earthing, thining and weeding.
Off seasonal tillage includes Post harvest tillage summer tillage, Winter tillage and Fallow tillage
Off seasonal tillage
Tillage operation required for soil conditioning but not for the immediate sowing of crops.
Post harvest tillage
After harvest crops we don’t want to sow seed but we want to prepare our land only weeds and stubbles
are removed. It is also important for conservation of rain water.
Sumer tillage
Is practiced in tropical zones.
Winter tillage
Is practiced in temperate zone.
Fallow tillage
Leaving the arable land un cropped for one season or for more than one season due to some reasons.
Special purpose tillage
Tillage operations performed for specific purpose is called special purpose tillage.
It is also called deep tillage. Sub soiling is done once three to five years to break the hard pan below the
plough layer. It is also called chiseling
Tillage operation is used to convert un even land to smooth, see bed.
Blind tillage