Page 33 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 33
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
Classification on the basis of season
In Pakistan we have four distinct seasons like summer, winter, spring and autumn. However plants are not
classified according to seasons. Crops classification is based on planting date, water charges and govt
revenues. Crops are divided into two major seasons
Kharif crops
These crops which are planted in the summer months from march to july and harvested in autumn or
winter are called kharif crops e.g. maize, rice, sorghum, milet.
Rabi crops
These crops are planted in winter from October to December and harvested in summer from March to
may. Examples are wheat, barley, gram and lentil. However crops which deviate from these two
categories are termed as zaid kharif crops and zaid rabi crops.
Zaid kharif crops
These crops which are planted in august –September and harvested in dec-january e.g. toria (brassica
Zaid rabi crops
These are crops which are planted in February and harvested in May-June is called Zaid rabi crops e.g.
Purity analysis and adjusting the seed rate for a specific crops
Objective of practical
To investigate the percent composition of seed sample and to identify the main component of seed sample
that is pure seed, other seed, inert material and also to calculate the adjusted seed rate for a particular crop
Pure seed
Those seeds which dominate the seed sample a lot. It includes 1. Immature 2. Undersize 3. Shrivel 4.
Germinated. Pure seed belong to a particular variety.
Other seeds
We will take all those seeds other than pure seed or all those seeds which donot belong to pure seeds.
Inert materials
All those materials or matter which is neither pure seed nor other seeds.