Page 35 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 35

Introduction to Agriculture         Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas

               temperature e.g. sugar cane, mango, banana, papaya, pineapple, cotton, mango,  maize, rice, millet,
               sorghum, sugar can

               Subtropical crops

               These crops tolerate some sub freezing temperatures but cannot grow well in temperate or tropical zones.
               Subtropical belt includes both humid and semi arid zones. Subtropical fruit plants are killed by temp
               below -7 degree centigrade e.g. citrus, date, fig, and pomegranate.


               Plants grown vegetatively produce leaves and branches, then change from vegetative to reproductive
               stage by producing flowers and fruits. This change is brought about by changes in day length i.e. number
               of hours of light. Crops are classified according to their responsive to day length which is known as

               Short day plants

               Short day plants are those plants which change from vegetative to reproductive stage when day become
               short for example rice require less than fourteen hours.

               Long day plants

               They change from vegetative to reproductive stage when the days become longer e.g. wheat, barley,
               greater than fourteen hours.

               Day neutral plants

               Plant whose initiation of flowering is not affected by the length of days e.g. tomato, cucumber and okra.

                                        Classification of crops on basis of growth habit

               Based on vegetative and reproductive mode plants are classified into

               Determinate plants

               Those who initiate their reproductive stage after completion of vegetative stage . They can be harvested
               only once. E.g. wheat, rice and maize.

               Indeterminate plants

               These are those crops which continue simultaneously both vegetative and reproductive stage at the same
               time on the same plants. These plants have both mature and immature fruits, flowers and buds on the
               same plant at a time.

               For example

               Soybean, mung bean, pea, tomato, cucurbits
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