Page 30 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 30

Introduction to Agriculture         Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas

               increase the size of seeds. It also helps in the formation of seeds and crops. Phosphorus applications
               associated with early maturity.

               Research shows that phosphorous resistant toward disease. It is also important for root development of

               Deficiency of phosphorus

                                 1.  Less not of roots and plants will be stunted.
                                 2.  Will delay maturity.
                                 3.  Root proliferation.
                                 4.  Increase lodging.
                                 5.  Old leaves will be yellow if nitrogen is absent. While in absence of phosphorous
                                     leaves will be dark green or purple.
                                 6.  Seed size will be reducing so yield will be reducing.


               Potassium is very important for enzymes activation. It helps the plant in uptake of water. It increases
               resistance to drought. It increases qualities of seed, food and other product of crops. Potassium is useful
               for tobacco. Potassium increase oil quality in brassica. It increase shelf life of food products and play a
               major role in resistant to diseases.


               Enzymes become inactive.

               Tip or margins of leaves will be red, white or yellow.


               Plant absorb nitrogen only as inorganic nitrate No3 and in a few cases as ammonium NH4 or amimo NH2
               IONS.  Phosphorous is absorbed by plant as orthophosphate ions H2PO4- ION.


               Any organic or inorganic material that is added to the soil to supply one or more than one nutrients
               essential for the growth of plant.

               Balance fertilizers

               Balanced fertilizers are that fertilizer which is applied to the need or requirement of crop.

               Fertilizer recommendation

                   1.  Plant analysis
                   2.  Soil analysis
                   3.  Deficiency symptoms
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