Page 32 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 32
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
Spray of fertilizers on the leaves of crops
Root dipping
The treatment of liquid fertilizers with the roots of crops e.g. in rice treatment witn zinc sulphate
Seed priming
Treatment of crop seeds with nutrient solution for sometime before planting.
Fertilizer requirement kg per hectare
nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium
Wheat irrigated 135 60 60
Wheat barani 80 40 40
Rice basmati fine 100 60 60
Rice coarse 140 60 60
Maize 120 60 60
Cotton 120 60 60
Tobacco 35 70 70
Sugar cane 170 70 160
Sugar beet 90 100 60
Pulses 25 60 0
Classification on the basis of life cycle or crop duration.
On the basis of their duration or life cycle crops are divided into three groups;
Annual crops
These crops which complete their vegetative as well as reproductive stage in one growing season (year)
and produce flower and seed.
For example wheat, maize, and barley.
Biennial crops
Those crops which complete vegetative growth in first year and reserve food in roots or other plant parts
during second year the reserved food is utilized to produce flowers and fruits. E.g. sugar beet, radish,
carrot, and turnip. However these crops are usually harvested during first year to obtain commercial
Perennial crops
These crops grow for more than two years. They may produce seed each year but their life span is for
more than two years. These crops have the regenerative power to resprout from the stubble after cutting.
E.g. sugar cane and alfalfa.