Page 31 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 31
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
4. Field experiments
Types of fertilizer
Straight or simple fertilizers
A fertilizer which contain only one essential nutrient. It is called straight fertilizer.
E.g. urea, SSP, and TSP
Compound fertilizer
A fertilizer which contain more than one essential nutrients is called compound fertilizer or
complex or called mixed fertilizer.
E.g. DAP, NP
Complete fertilizer
a fertilizer which contains all the three major nutrients is called complete fertilizer.
NPK = 15; 15; 15
But according to some scientist a fertilizer that contains all essential nutrients.
Methods of fertilizer application
Fertilizers are available in solid and liquid form so their method of application is different from
each other
Solid fertilizer
Standing crops
Basal dose
Basal dose
The fertilizer which is applied to crops in sowing time is called basal dose.
Band application
On the surface of soil uniformly by hand or by a machine
Band application
Application of fertilizer along the rows by drill or hand hoe machine.
Standing crops
Only the nitrogen or urea is used for standing crops.
For standing crops fertilizers are being used by following tow methods’
Top dressing
Fertilizers are used by hands or air crafts .
Side dressing
Along the rows by using hands or machines.
Liquid fertilizer
Liquid fertilizer is also applied in liquid form in advance countries. Fertilizer are applied in liquid
Direct application
Injection of fertilizer to the field or soil by special planters.
Application of fertilizers along with irrigated water .
Foliar application