Page 37 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 37

Introduction to Agriculture         Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas

                                     AGROECOLOGY OR CROP ECOLOGY

               The relationship between crops and environment is called agro ecology.

               Agro ecological zone

               Are large areas in which agriculture and socio-economic conditions are similar for agriculture. They are
               ten in number.

               Indus delta

               This includes south Hyderabad to Arabian sea. This area is called Indus delta e.g. rice, sugarcane, pulses
               and barseem

               South irrigated plains

               The area from Jacobabad to dado is called south irrigated plains. E.g. cotton, beet, mustard, and

               Sandy desert

               This area includes

               Thar to cholistan and thar to mianwali. This zone is divided into east sandy deserat and west sandy desert.
               E.g. guar, millet, sorghum and wheat.

               Northern irrigated plains

               Include those areas of Punjab which are irrigated by river Sutlej and Jhelum.

               In kpk from Peshawar to mardan that area is called northern irrigated plain. E.g. sugarcane, sugar beet,
               maize, tobacco, wheat, plum, pear

               Barani land

               Includes karak, atock, Rawalpindi, banu,

               Wet mountains

               This area includes upper hazara and swat.

               Northern dry mountains. This area include gilgit, chitral and dir.

               Western dry mountains

               Bannu, zhob, quetta, pasheen, parachinar, wazirstan.

               Dry western plateau
               Chagi, coastal area of makran.
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