Page 63 - Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of Skin Cancers
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Table D-3. RCTs identified in the present technical brief
                                         First Author               Study               Comparisons               Setting             Population (N)             Type of Outcome,                  Outcome,
                                               UI                 Objective                                                           Mean age, yrs             Followup duration               Adverse events
                                           Country                                                                                       Males (%)
                                             year                                                                                          Race
                                                                                                                                       Cancer type
                                      Del Mar CB  138        To evaluate            General practitioners     Primary care       108 GPs (5784 pts with      Intermediate outcomes         Outcomes: Excision rates
                                      7888887                excision rate of       (GPs)  with a camera                         suspicious nevus)           Followup = 2 years            of benign melanocytic nevi
                                      Australia              benign melanocytic     vs. GPs with no                              28.2 years (pt level)
                                      1995                   nevi                   camera                                       43.4% male (pt level)                                     No adverse events
                                                                                                                                 No data on race (study                                    reported
                                                                                                                                 conducted in Australia)
                                      Hanrahan PF   139,140    To assess the utility  Patient received        Primary care       973 male > 50 years         Test accuracy                 Outcomes: Diagnostic
                                      11215011               of photographs for     photographs vs.                              agreed to participate       Intermediate outcomes         accuracy between those
                                      12370325               skin cancer            patients with no                             62.0 years                  Followup = 2 years            using and not using
                                      Australia              management             photographs                                  100.0% male                                               photography
                                      2000;2002                                                                                  No data on race (study                                    Effect of photography on
                                                                                                                                 conducted in New                                          management of lesion
                                                                                                                                 South Wales)                                              (leave lesion for followup,
                                                                                                                                 Melanoma                                                  cryotherapy)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Cost savings of

                                                                                                                                                                                           No adverse events
                                      English DR 141         To evaluate the        GPs with a camera         Primary care       468 GPs( 223 practices)  Intermediate outcomes            Outcome:
                                      12919990               ratio of benign to     and algorithm  vs.        setting            No data on age              Followup duration             Ratio of benign to
                                      Australia              malignant excision     GPs with no camera                           No data on race             unclear                       malignant melanoma
                                      2003                                                                                       Melanoma                                                  excised.

                                                                                                                                                                                           No adverse events

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