Page 66 - Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of Skin Cancers
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Table D-3. RCTs identified in the present technical brief (continued)
 First Author   Study   Comparisons   Setting   Population (N)   Type of Outcome,   Outcome,
 UI   Objective      Mean age, yrs    Followup duration               Adverse events
 Country      Males (%)
 year            Race
             Cancer type
 Oliveria SA 142    To assess the   Teaching intervention   Primary care   100 high-risk patients   Intermediate  outcomes   Outcomes: Adherence to
 14751328   impact of nurse-   with photo-book vs.   setting   Control age:38 years   Followup = 4 months   skin self examination.
 USA   delivered   teaching intervention      Control male%:33.3   No adverse events
 2004   intervention with   alone   Dysplastic/atypical nevi    reported.
 digital photographs
 to increase patient
 adherence to skin
 self examination
 Chiu V    To examine the   Mole mapping vs. no   Primary care   88 patients   Intermediate outcomes   Outcome:
 16844506   accuracy of skin   mole mapping.   setting   Control age:>50 yrs,   Followup = 2 weeks   Percentage of patients that
 USA   self examination   57% males in mole                     gave accurate assessment
 2006   mapping group                                           of lesions
       Control males: 52%
       Suspicious skin lesions
 Bowns IR 143    To compare tele-  Tele-consultation vs.   Specialist   208 patients   Test accuracy   Outcomes: Diagnostic
 17049140   dermatology with   face to face   setting   46.3 years   Process outcomes   concordance between
 2006   face to face   consultation   (dermatology)   37.4% male   Followup duration: NA   physicians—Sn,Sp
 UK   consultation   evaluating diagnostic   No data on race    Number of followup visits
    concordance between   Any malignancy                        Patients’ satisfaction with
 physicians                                                     care
                                                                Adverse events: not
 Carli P    To assess the   Naked eye and   Pigmented   913 patients   Intermediate outcomes   Outcomes:
 15097950   impact of   dermoscopy vs.   lesion clinic   36 years   Followup = 6 months   Percentage of patients
 Italy   dermoscopy on   naked eye alone   (dermatology)   43% male   referred for surgery
 2004   lesion management   No data on race                     Number of melanoma
       Melanoma                                                 excised
                                                                Adverse events: not
 Argenziano G    To evaluate the   Dermoscopy   Primary care   73 PCPs   Test accuracy   Outcomes:
 16622262   effect of   evaluation vs. naked   setting   2522 patients   Followup = 16 months   Sn,Sp,NPV,PPV
 Barcelona, Spain,   dermoscopy on the   eye evaluation   40.5 years
 Naples, Italy   diagnostic    38% male                         Adverse events: not
 2006   accuracy of    No data on race                          reported
 primary care   Any malignancy

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