Page 67 - Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of Skin Cancers
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Table D-3. RCTs identified in the present technical brief (continued)
                                         First Author               Study               Comparisons               Setting             Population (N)             Type of Outcome,                  Outcome,
                                               UI                 Objective                                                           Mean age, yrs             Followup duration               Adverse events
                                           Country                                                                                       Males (%)
                                             year                                                                                          Race
                                                                                                                                       Cancer type
                                      Zalaudek I             To determine the       Skin exam and             Pigmented          1359 patients               Process outcomes              Outcome: Median time
                                      18427045               time required to       dermoscopy vs. skin       lesion clinic      39.5 years                  Followup duration: NA         required for complete skin
                                      2008                   complete skin          exam alone                (dermatology)      45.9% male                                                examination
                                      Austria                examination with or                                                 No data on race                                           Adverse events: not
                                                             without                                                             Any malignancy                                            reported
                                      Photodynamic diagnosis
                                      Ericson MB  144        To evaluate            4 groups with varying     dermatologist      40 patients                 Other outcomes                Outcomes:
                                      12633984               tolerance threshold    ALA application time,                        Age: nd                     Followup duration: NA         Ratio of fluorescence
                                      2003                   of photo-diagnosis     from 1 to 4 hrs                              No data on % male                                         intensity between ALA
                                      Sweden                 by evaluating ratio                                                 No data on race                                           treated tumor tissue and
                                                             of fluorescence                                                     Basal cell carcinoma                                      normal skin
                                                             intensity between                                                                                                             Fluorescence intensity
                                                             ALA treated tumor                                                                                                             variation in ALA-treated
                                                             tissue and normal                                                                                                             normal skin Adverse
                                                             skin                                                                                                                          events: not reported
                                        ALA = 5-aminolevulinic acid, GPs = general practitioners, nd = no data, NPV = negative predictive value, PCPs = primary care physicians, PPV = positive predictive value;
                                        Sn = sensitivity; Sp =specificity.

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