Page 529 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 529

Appendix Table C4.3. Comparison between watchful waiting and radiation therapy (continued)
 Author, Year    Study name   Comparison  Outcome   Followup   Sample size   Results   Factors included in the
 [Pubmed ID]   /Database      definition/   (yr)   per group   model
 Study design   instrument
 Thong 224    Eindhoven   RT vs. “AS”   General QoL:   Mean 8 yr   RT: 71   RT was negatively associated   Matching: cancer stage,
 2009   Cancer   SF-36 scores   AS: 71   with physical functioning and   tumor
 19747357   Registry      bodily pain dimensions of the   grade, age at diagnosis (
    (ECR)   Expanded   SF-36, spiritual and total       ±2 yrs), and number of
 Retrospective   Prostate   wellbeing scores of the QoL-  years since diagnosis (±2
 matched cohort   Cancer Index   CS, and bowel function and   yrs).
 (EPIC):           bowel bother of EPIC index.
 urinary and                                            Multivariate model adjusted
 bowel             No other significant                 for comorbidity and disease
 functioning,      associations between general         progression
 and urinary       QoL, cancer-specific QoL, or
 and bowel         disease-specific QoL scores
 bother            and management strategy (RT
                   vs. “AS”).
 Quality of Life
 – Cancer

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