Page 449 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 449

Appendix Table C3.2. KQ3 multivariable analyses (continued)
 Author   Factors   Data source   Duration   Analyzed   Population   WW/AS   Methods   Results as described in paper
 yr   sample   characteristics  definitions
 El-Geneidy 174    Clinical   Portland VA;   1993-  175 on WW   T1-2 on WW    Not   Multivariable   1. Age 66-74 vs. >75 yr HR=5.0
 2004   all pts dx’d   2000   with T1 or T2   explicitly   Cox   (CI 1.13, 22.17), P=0.034
 15008720   with prostate   were   provided   regression   2. PSA doubling time <3 yr vs. >10
 cancer in one   analyzed       predicts         yr HR=2.73 (CI 1.19, 6.24),
 period; 187                    curative         P=0.018
 on WW                          treatment        3. 34%-50% vs. <34% positive
                                                 biopsies HR=2.47 (CI 1.14, 5.35),

                                                 NS (univariate) : PSA ≥4 vs. <4;
                                                 Gleason ≥6 vs. <5; T2 vs. T1;
                                                 ≥34% positive bx vs. <34% ; PSA

                                                 Median f/u 3.3 yr (range 0.1-8.6

   444   445   446   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454