Page 451 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C3.2. KQ3 multivariable analyses (continued)
 Author   Factors   Data source   Duration   Analyzed   Population   WW/AS   Methods   Results as described in paper
 yr   sample   characteristics  definitions
 Chose AS vs.
 to available
 Mills 173    Patient   comparison of  2001-   318   not reported   regular   Multivariable   1. SES and baseline anxiety
 2006   preferences  180 men who   2004   PSA   logistic   associated with selecting
 16774847   refused             regression       treatment: per decrease in SES
 randomization                  predicting       from I to V, OR=0.68 (CI 0.49,
 but selected                   “selecting       0.96); P=0.03.
 AS with 138                    AS” vs.          2. Baseline anxiety (per unit
 men                            “randomized      increase on HAD scale) OR=0.93
 randomized                     to AS”           (CI 0.87, 0.99); P=0.04)
 to AS (from                                     adjusted for baseline score, study
 ProtecT                                         center, age (further adjustment for
 study)                                          marital status, SES had little
                                                 impact (data not shown))

                                                 Applicability limited to
                                                 predominantly white married,
                                                 middle class men 50-69 yrs
                                                 healthy for clinic testing.
 Estimates are provided with 95% confidence intervals and p-values when available.
 AS = active surveillance; BMI = body mass index; CI = confidence interval; DOD CPDR = Department of Defense Center for Prostate Disease Research; dx = diagnosis;
 ERSPC = European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer; FH = family history; HAD = Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale; NS = non-statistically significant;
 PCOS = Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study; POC = Patterns of Care study; PRIAS = Prostate Cancer Research International: Active Surveillance study; ProtecT = Prostate Testing
 for Cancer and Treatment study; PSA = prostate-specific antigen; TUMT = transurethral microwave thermotherapy of the prostate; UI = PubMed unique identifier; WW =
 watchful waiting; yr = year.

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